Scientific health preserving

作者:outyali  于 2015-8-14 17:49 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:membership, important, positive, research, continue

We will continue to strengthen and improve the system of joint meeting of the old community, strengthen the close contact with the old community, to make every old community can play a positive role. Painting and calligraphy is an important aspect of our "culture of the age of the culture, science and health". At present only in Xianyang city old poetry painting and calligraphy research will has more than 2000 members, all counties in the old painting Poetry Society membership, plus more, is a very large and very active art team. In recent years, the city's old painting and painting activities in the rich, diverse forms, smooth channels, all kinds of painting and calligraphy exhibition held a variety of themes. These paintings and calligraphy exhibition exhibition works with the old cadres as the main body of the work, the work of Xianyang in recent years, the development and change, the Xianyang urban and rural areas has shown tremendous changes and the natural beauty of the old cadres, the image of the United States, the style of beauty, beauty of the mind. Through painting and calligraphy art, reflecting the old cadres and the elderly "show the mentality of the sun, beautiful life experience, talk about development and change, striving to be civilized citizens" psychological expectations. Old university to adapt to the cultural needs of the elderly, and actively offer painting, poetry, literature and other subjects teaching, the establishment of external teaching points or counseling Station, the old cadre activity center actively planning large-scale cultural entertainment, sports fitness and other activities, the quality and quality of older cultural and artistic activities continue to be improved.









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