劉龍珠律師 (已有 5,577,500 人访问过博主空间)



作者:劉龍珠律師  于 2020-6-16 10:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:署名, 华人, 公平, 公平待遇, 教育

民主党控制的众议院 (Assembly)6/10强行通过ACA5. 下一步, 该法案就要到参议院 (Senate)投票了。如果再通过, 就会给亚裔今后进入加州高等学府带来毁灭性的后果。 ️现在民主党控制的参议院很可能要跳过参议院的教育委员会听证。

紧急呼吁所有关心亚裔教育的人士马上打电话给下面参议院的规则委员会(rules committee )和教育委员会(education committee)的议员, 强烈要求ACA5法案在教育委员会举行听证会 ️Senator Toni Atkins: (Chair, Rules Committee) ❗️最为重要❗️ (916)651-4039 (619)645-3133 2️⃣Senator Connie Leyva (Chair,Education Committee) (916)651-4020 (909)469-1110 3️⃣Senator Scott Wilk: (Vice Chair, Rules Committee, Education Committee) (916)651-4021 (760)843-8414 (760)843-8343 南加Senator Ling Ling Chang (Education committee) 她已明确表明反对ACA5,不必打电话给她。请着重打上面的3个议员。 ️电话例文Sample : 居民电话例文: My name is (name)from (City), I just heard that a bill named ACA5 just passed the assembly and is now headed towards the senate. As Asian Americans, I am strongly against this bill. I think this bill is discriminatory and will negatively impact Asian Americans"s equal education rights. I strongly urge the senate to hold a hearing at the Committee on Education so that our concerns can be heard. Thank you! 组织代表电话例文: My name is (name) from (City) representing (group name). We just heard that a bill named ACA5 just passed the assembly and is now headed towards the senate. As Asian Americans, we are strongly against this bill. We think this bill is discriminatory and will negatively impact Asian Americans"s equal education rights. We strongly urge the senate to hold a hearing at the Committee on Education so that our concerns can be heard. Thank you!

Dear Fellow Chinese,
The California State Assembly has abandoned the Chinese community by the passage of ACA 5.
On June 10, 2020, the California assembly passed a proposed amendment to the California Constitution called ACA 5. ACA 5 will repeal Article I, Section 31 of the California Constitution which are the provisions of Proposition 209 (1996), which prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.
All that is left is for the Senate to approve it, so that it will later be placed on the November ballot as a Proposition.
This means that our top Universities WILL discriminate against Chinese in the college admissions process. More importantly, this legislation, if passed, will effectively DENY Chinese children their seats at selective schools based on racial preferences. This bill will allow schools to give seats that should go to the most qualified students to students with lower qualifications.
For all Chinese people academics is our only way to succeed. We pride ourselves on our academic achievements and hard work. We have always had a harder time in the school admissions process, and now the State government is trying to make it even more difficult. How is this fair???
Therefore, I, along with ALL CHINESE PEOPLE LIVING IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEMAND that the Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 be voted NO!
If Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 is approved, I demand, as a Chinese person, that I play basketball on the National Basketball Association based on the same standards adopted under the ACA5. Namely, I demand lower standards set for the National Basketball Association for Chinese applicants.
United We Stand!
Long Z. Liu










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