劉龍珠律師 (已有 5,633,642 人访问过博主空间)



作者:劉龍珠律師  于 2020-6-18 04:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:刘龙珠, 律师, 警察, 市议会, 预算

To: San Gabriel City Council

From: Long Z. Liu, and Nearly 1,300 supporting Petitioners
Sent via email: cityclerk@sgch.org
Subject Line: Public Comment: New Business Item C

June 16, 2020

Dear San Gabriel City Council,

My name is Long Z. Liu I am an active attorney practicing out of San Gabriel, California for the past 15 years. In my career, I have had the privilege of represent police officers and am now writing this letter in support of our local San Gabriel Police Department who has done in excellent and exemplary job in making our City a safe city we are happy to live in and do business in.

Aside from being a practicing attorney, I am also a political pundit who has become the face of the news impacting the Chinese in the United States that is most popular amongst Chinese living in the states. On these recent events, I made countless media appearances in support of law and order in the United States. Without our police risking their lives to guarantee our safety the crime rates will sky rocket and we will live in a very dangerous community. Therefore, I, along with thousands of petitioners, unequivocally support our San Gabriel police officers.

The SGPD is exemplary in getting the job done efficiently although it is currently understaffed compared to all other police departments in this state. Under the current leadership, the City of San Gabriel is safe, has low crime rates, low use of force, and impressive response times surpassing nationwide average. Again this stellar achievement is obtained although the SGPD is understaffed. I can only imagine what they can achieve if they are staffed comparable to other police departments in this state. 

Aside from the SGPD’s excellent performance and results they are important to our community for many reasons. In late May, we watched the horror in Los Angeles, as rioters and looters destroyed and misappropriated private property belonging to businesses and individuals. This occurred for quite some time and it was horrific. We can only imagine how terrible it would have been should there not be police officers. It was so bad, the National Guard was deployed to protect life and property.

Then on June 1st New York rioters broke into a store with plans to rob it. The owner, Ms. Wendy Chen was unable to escape the intruders and was later badly beaten and suffered a broken leg because of beatings with a metal pipe. She is 68 years old and is in anguish to this day.

Nevertheless, amidst national chaos, on June 12th, the Minneapolis city council made the terrible decision to dismantle the police department. Although there are hundreds if not thousands of police departments in this nation and each are different from one another, we as a community can imagine how terrified we feel in our homes and businesses with the lack of a police department. Therefore, the Chinese community will do whatever to not allow anything even remotely close to negatively impacting our police department. We support them and demand that there be more support for our police department.

I am an outspoken supporter of law and order. Considering the backlash police face at the moment, I have used my platform to vocalize my appreciation for law enforcement. The ratio of likes to dislikes on my YouTube based shows that are in support of law enforcement is 100:1. This demonstrates how the Chinese community feels and supports law enforcement. 

In fact, Chinese people came to the United States for security found in America. The Chinese community believes that law and order is the cornerstone of their success and is what allows everyone to prosper here and live the American dream.

In appreciation of the police, I started a petition on change.org. The petition currently has around 1,300 signatories and counting. The petition is entitled “Chinese Community Supports Law and Order!” This petition was established on Friday, June 12, 2020. These signatures were obtained in just a few days. This petition along with its signatories shows the kind of support there are for police departments.  

We ask that there be a committee created to bolster and improve upon the already well performing police department. For example, this committee can use some of its time to research and obtain state and federal grants to bring much needed funding for our police department this is because our SGPD’s office building is falling apart. It is outdated, has leaks, lacks proper storage, and has no central air conditioning. An excellent performing police department deserves better.  

Please recognize the following facts that exemplify the high quality service provided by our very own San Gabriel Police Department:

1) San Gabriel PD has a very impressive response time. Even though our police department operates with 1.2 officers per 1,000 residents while the state average is 2.5 officers per 1,000 residents, in 2018, the response time from dispatch to arrival is 3 minutes and 65. By comparison, the national average response time sits at approximately 8 minutes. Therefore, the San Gabriel Police Department is an exemplary department and even with a lack of proper funding exceeds standards beyond those set in California.

2) From 2017- 2018 out of 26,183 calls for service there was only 4 citizen complaints, and 0 of them had been sustained. Even our officers, over strained from a lack of resources, efficiently and safely handle all of our calls.

In recognition of our police department’s excellent performance, the City Council should bolster the funding given to our police department.

In addition to protecting our community the San Gabriel Police Department is heavily involved in extracurricular activities that help children in our community build a positive relationship with law enforcement.

For example, the police department established “Camp SG”. Camp SG is a one week summer camp with fun filled activities; such as canoeing, hiking, rock climbing, etc. Camp SG’s week-long overnight summer camp program delivers a structured, wholesome, exciting camping experience for kids ages 8-15 years old. Their main goal and mission is to promote the creation of friendships, healthy lifestyles, fun outdoor activities, and nature at its best, while keeping true to its fundamentals of respect, honesty, caring, and responsibility. This program is especially important for the 2020 summer as kids have seen their schools, extracurricular programs, and play time cut due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Camp SG is the type of program that instills trust among the community and their police. We think it is essential that we increase funding for this program so more kids in the community have an opportunity to participate

The Chinese community believes it is essential to keep improving upon our already impressive police department.

We urge the city council to use their newly formed committee to research and attain state and federal grants to improve the infrastructure of our police department, and look for opportunities to fund community involvement programs such as Camp SG.

The Chinese community is San Gabriel thanks you all for your time and dedication to improving our city in these times.

United We Stand, 

Long Z. Liu









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