The believer who seeking truth has been isolated by Falun Gong

作者:xiaochui114  于 2023-10-19 09:55 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Now,with in Falun Gong,through the command chain of the Buddhist Society,a letter from Erping Zhang, the highest authority of the Falun Dafa Buddhist Society,has been distributed. The content of the letter is as following:To all FXH (Falun Gong Buddhist Society). Please inform all your local practitioners to ignore believing or declaring all the online comments and videos posted by Chao Yu, who comes from Chin Mainland and is bad for Falun Gong.Thank you..

   The reason for this incident is that Chao Yu said on the show,the Shen Yun training base brought some minors to Longquan Temple,and then intimidating or forcing them to work.The current practice of Falun Gong is basically using Falun Gong practitioners and their children as human mines or chives to be harvested. They are also using these people as unpaid labor.Even some young disciples become mentally unstable at Shen Yun training base.So Chao Yu raised such a question:What exactly happened at Shen Yun?So the Falun Gong Buddhist Society starts to treat he as the main evil force.Erping Zhang even says that he is subverting Falun Gong.

Actually,the issues which raised by Chao Yu are actually already on the minds of many people within the Falun Gong Community. But they have various concerns, such as losing their main social relationships in the society or worrying about going to the hell or entering some kind of silent gate.Many things said by Shen Yun performers are too shocking, the childrens experiences at Shen Yun are almost like being in prison. When these things are laid out in front of us, we cant turn a blind eye.

Its just because Chao Yu publicly expressed his thoughts. He thinks that the master is wrong and points out directly. His program provides great comfort to many practitioners who are confused in their cultivation. They also have known how the people around them died, who could have been treated medically but they choose not to seek treatment and eventually passed away. They could see how their friends from their youth died, just at their fifties or sixties, or even before turning fifty due to some severe illness. Among these old disciples of Falun Gong,including people from the Shen Yun office ,many people like this have already passed away. They have followed the master closely for a long time, ultimately died in this manner. They cant understand in their own hearts, and the people who worry about them are also greatly shocked. After such people passed away, the more central people in Falun Gong avoided the more discussing. They completely avoided mentioning these things.Because the current legality of Falun Gong is based on the concept of transforming bad luck into good ,not based on how to improve ones moral character.

These statements have contradicted the teachings of Falun Gong and hurt its interests, so Falun Gong isolated and besieged Chao Yu. Now his most important social relationships had already been lost.

Is this the way how Falun Gong treats those who pursue the truth?

Normal religions will not attack their own believers in this way. It can be seen that the essence of Falun Gong is a cult. Please stay away from Falun Gong and do not be deceived by Falun Gong.
















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