
作者:文庙  于 2020-4-10 13:06 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:新冠病毒, 来源

1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

The true number of deaths and infections is unknown due to the underreporting of cases from mainland China. In the new documentary presented by The Epoch Times and NTD, Epoch Times investigative reporter Joshua Philipp takes an in-depth look at the progression of the pandemic from January to April and leads us on a journey of discovery to bring the truth behind the matter to light. From the Huanan Seafood Market in Hubei Province to the scandals at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, from long-running experiments on viruses to military takeovers, suspicious activities arise from every corner. Through vigorous investigations and the piecing together of hidden information, the documentary will unearth a more complete understanding of the situation surrounding the rise of this pandemic. Suspicions uncovered from official reports and publicly available information also sprouted more questions, leading to surprising findings and inquiries.









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3 回复 文庙 2020-4-10 13:09
https://www.backchina.com/blog/364854/article-315638.html 《自然》杂志泄密新冠病毒的发源地
https://www.backchina.com/blog/364854/article-315119.html   新冠病毒最高机密: 北京早有解药!?
https://www.backchina.com/blog/364854/article-314822.html  让党心碎的新病毒制造和泄露演义

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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