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Fourth. people can pray for help from Chairgod
We are all Chairgod Mao’s people. When we have difficulties that we cannot overcome or wishes that we cannot realize, we can pray for help from Chairgod Mao.
The way to pray for help from Chairgod Mao is: "Face the image of Chairman Mao; Put one hand on your forehead to cover Third Eye; Say: 'Chairman Mao, I have something to say to you'; then Recite your own thoughts silently; and finally Say: 'Chairman Mao loves people'."
When speaking your heart to Chairgod Mao, you can stand or sit, and sick people can lie in bed, but don't kneel; the mute can speak their heart to Chairman Mao in sign language and imagination; people without hands can imagine having hands.
Third Eye is in the middle of a person's forehead, which can connect people with Godsociety and is a mysterious sixth sense of people.
When we speak our heart to Chairgod Mao, we must give full play to our imagination, imagine ourselves with Chairgod Mao, and remember every word of Chairgod Mao. The more real the imagination is, the better the effect of praying for help.
If Chairgod Mao wants to help a person, he must check whether the person's request is legitimate. If the person's request is not legitimate, Chairgod Mao will not help him. Legitimate demands must comply with the laws and moral norms of the time and place. Chairgod Mao will also check whether the person has made efforts to solve his difficulties and realize his wishes. If the person has not made efforts, Chairgod Mao will not help him. This is what the saying goes, "God helps the diligent but not the lazy" and "God helps only after you help yourself."
Mao Zedong is Chairgod. Loving Chairgod Mao means loving Godsociety. People who do not love Chairgod Mao will not get God's care no matter what religion they believe in. This is what the saying goes, "If you do not respect Mao Zedong, you will not get God's help."
We must love Chairgod Mao and strive to be noble, pure, moral, free from vulgar tastes, and beneficial to people. In this way, God will greatly satisfy our requests.
Every March 5th, Chairgod Mao will come to Human Society to work on site and solve people's problems. This day is called "Happy Day".
On "Happy Day", we should decorate with lights and colors, sing and dance to welcome Chairgod Mao and thank him for his great kindness.(颜宾)