Redbook 14/22 Hongjiao Regulations (图)

作者:portpass  于 2025-1-14 10:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Hongjiao (Redism) is founded in 2005 with Mao Zedong as the core of worship; the founder of Hongjiao is Yan Bin. 
Mao Zedong is the leader of World Red Revolution, so the religion with him as the core of worship is named Hongjiao. 
Hongjiao discovered Godsociety and explained Godsociety by Chinese social civilization in the early 21st century, created a completely new religious world for the people. Since 2005, a religious revolution has entered our lives. 
* The God of Hongjiao is Mao Zedong. 
* The Emblem of Hongjiao is Red Five-Star. 
* The Flag of Hongjiao is Two-Star Red Flag (two-star red flag: 1, rectangular; 2, red, symbolizing red culture; 3, the flag has two yellow five-pointed stars arranged up and down, the upper star represents Godsociety, the lower star represents Human Society, and the five-pointed star is yellow to show the light on the red background). The Flag of Hongjiao is similar to National Flag of People's Republic of China, with the purpose of reminding people of Mao Zedong's Socialist China. 
*The books of Chairman Mao Zedong and the classic works of Redism are called Redbook. 
*The houses of Redism are called Halls. 
*The highest position of Redism is Dajiao, which is followed by Shangjiao, Zhongjiao, and Shaojiao. Yan Bin, Founder of Redism, is the first Dajiao of Redism. 
*The believers of Redism are called Redists, and Redists call each other Comrades. 
*The Uniform of Redism is Cadre Uniform, which is the formal dress of Godsociety and the clothes that Chairman Mao liked to wear when he was in Human Society. Determining Cadre Uniform as the uniform of Redism is in line with the dressing habits of civilized society and also shows Redism's worship of Chairgod Mao. (颜宾)









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回复 浮平 2025-1-14 10:16
This expression conflates the political ideology of a former leader with religious belief, which contradicts Mao Zedong’s own atheistic stance. It also undermines the importance of critical thinking and the separation of religion and politics—fundamental principles in Canada, where you currently live.

With so much confusion, some individuals living in a democratic country may face unexpected challenges.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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