ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音-钢琴品牌年代查询:BOSENDORFER 贝森朵夫

作者:yinan  于 2019-9-9 01:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


BOSENDORFER 贝森朵夫  (1900-1980)


1900-15640 1935-25700 1950-26960 1970-29109

1910-19640 1940-26290 1955-27490 1975-30622

1920-22530 1944-26730 1960-27900 1980-33444









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回复 yinan 2022-4-24 23:36
Bösendorfer was established by Ignaz Bösendorfer in 1828 in Vienna, Austria. Bösendorfer apprenticed with well known Viennese piano maker, Joseph Brodmann, eventually taking over the workshop and staring out on his own. His main goal as a piano builder was to keep the warm, mellow sound of a Viennese piano while increasing its power, volume and sustain. He achieved this, as Franz Liszt’s endorsement recognized it to be a piano (the only piano) that could handle his powerful playing, and writing “The perfection of a Bösendorfer exceeds my most ideal expectations…”
When Ignaz died in 1858, his son Ludwig took over and the company prospered under his direction. In 1909, Ludwig sold the firm to friend, Carl Hutterstrasser. In 1931 Alexander and Wolfgang Hutterstrasser, Carl’s sons, became partners.
In 1966 U.S. manufacturer, Kimball International, purchased Bösendorfer. Kimball exited the piano manufacturing business in the late 1990s, and by 2002, Bösendorfer was purchased by BAWAG, a large Austrian banking group.
In 2007 BAWAG was then acquired by Cerberus Capital Management, a New York investment firm.
In February 2008, Bösendorfer became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Yamaha
Corp. of Japan after they purchased all their shares from BAWAG.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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