ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音-纽约老旧钢琴音色翻新 New York's old piano tone ren

作者:yinan  于 2024-5-14 10:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


New York's old piano tone renovation


Many old pianos in New York are mostly moved home for free, including pianos that can be renovated. Over the years, I have seen and experienced many old piano tones and the possibility and opportunities of renovation through my own practice, so I have recorded some short fragments for reference.纽约有许多老旧钢琴大多是免费搬回家来的,其中不乏可翻新利用的钢琴。多年来看到及通过自己的实践体会感觉许多老旧钢琴音色还有翻新的可能和机会,为此实录了一些短暂的片段供参考。

When the timbre is "flowing and displayed" in time, it will show the characteristics of "colorful and wonderful". For old pianos, all this is only shown by hitting the strings with a hammer. To be precise, the interpretation of old and high-quality pianos and hammers, through the operation of the tuner, including imagination, association and specific tuning actions, can produce the tone that many people want to hear.音色在时间里“流淌展现”时,会呈现出“绚烂多姿,精彩纷呈“的特点。而对于老旧钢琴来说这一切仅仅是通过槌头打击琴弦展现出来的。可以准确地说,老旧高品质的钢琴及榔头的演绎,通过调音师的操作包括想象、联想和具体的整音动作是可以发出许多人希望听到词汇所形容的音色。

The hammer of an old high-quality piano cannot be measured by price at all, and its high-quality wool is not comparable to the general quality now. The discussion of price is also unfair to this kind of historical precipitation significance. I think the most positive thing is the need to take action to give the whole sound treatment. Voicing: Modifying a piano's hammers to achieve a better tone (often via softening the felt or resha Ping the hammers). Tone: Modify the hammer of the piano to get a better tone (usually by softening the felt or reshaping the hammer).一台老旧优质钢琴的榔头是完全不可以用价格来衡量的,其优质的羊毛不是现在一般质量可相提并论的。讨论价格也是对这种具有历史沉淀意义的不公,我认为最具有积极意义的还是需要采取行动给予整音处理。Voicing: Modifying a piano's hammers to achieve a better tone (often via softening the felt or reshaping the hammers). 整音:修改钢琴的锤子以获得更好的音调(通常通过软化毛毡或重塑锤子)。









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