
作者:从0开始99  于 2018-12-24 15:38 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


    周五,明尼苏达州亨内平郡(Hennepin)检察官迈克·弗里曼(Mike Freeman)宣布,对于涉嫌性侵犯的中国商人刘强东不会提起诉讼。

    首先,警察的逮捕行为与检察官的起诉是分别运作的,警察与检察官分属于警察和司法两个部门。这也是检查和平衡(checks and balances)的一个环节,对保护民众免受警察滥用职权之苦有一定作用。所以,被警察逮捕并不一定会被起诉。警察一般是根据现场的情形决定是否需要逮捕一个犯罪嫌疑人,而检察官则有另一套标准决定是否提起诉讼。
    美国法律要求,检方必须证明这个定罪是超出了合理的怀疑(proven beyond a reasonable doubt)。这是一个比较高的门槛,必须排除方方面面的合理怀疑。不要忘了,陪审团共有12个成员,只要有一个人不认可,就不能定罪。所以,当检察官没有足够的信心让所有人都不再有合理怀疑,他们就不愿意提起诉讼。
    亨内平郡检察官迈克·弗里曼(Mike Freeman)星期五宣布,对于涉嫌性侵犯的中国商人刘强东不会提起诉讼。
    正如之前在报刊上报道的那样,就读于明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院(Carlson School of Management)的45岁的刘(强东)当时在明尼阿波利斯。8月30日,他和许多朋友和同事去了一家Uptown餐厅吃饭,一名21岁的女学生也被邀请参加晚宴。
    No sexual assault charges against Chinese businessman
    No charges will be filed against Chinese businessman Liu Qiangdong for an alleged sexual assault, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced Friday。
    After a thorough investigation by the Minneapolis Police Department sex crimes unit and a meticulous review by four senior, sexual assault prosecutors, it was determined there were profound evidentiary problems which would have made it highly unlikely that any criminal charge could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt。
    “As is the case in many sexual assault incidents, it was a complicated situation,” Freeman said。 “It is also similar to other sexual assault cases with the suspect maintaining the sex was consensual。 As we reviewed surveillance video, text messages, police body camera video and witness statements, it became clear that we could not meet our burden of proof and, therefore, we could not bring charges。 Because we do not want to re-victimize the young woman, we will not be going into detail。”
    As has been previously reported in the press, Liu, 45, was in Minneapolis as part of a program at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management。 On Aug。 30, he and a large number of friends and associates went to dinner at an Uptown restaurant。 One of the people invited to the dinner was a 21-year-old female student。 
    After dinner, the woman rode with Liu and others to a home on Franklin Avenue and eventually to her apartment near the university later that evening。 After several hours, in the early morning of Aug。 31, a fellow student and friend of the woman’s, called the police。 Officers arrived at the woman’s apartment where they spoke to her and to Liu。 Based on the information they learned from the woman that night, officers ended the call and took Liu back to his hotel。 Liu was arrested later that day at the University of Minnesota。 
    During the review of the evidence by the prosecutors, which consisted of three men and one woman, it was discovered that portions of the evidence included conversations and messages in Mandarin that were translated to English。 That evidence included video from a body camera worn by the officers that captured conversations between Liu and the woman inside her apartment, and later, portions of the conversation between the two of them after the woman asked to speak privately with Liu before he was transported back to his hotel。 
    The substance of those conversations, along with all of the other evidence including statements from the woman and others, as well as footage from multiple surveillance cameras, do not support criminal charges in this case。 
    The three months it took for the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office to review the case and make a decision is not unusual for a sexual assault case, especially one in which no one is in custody。 It had nothing to do with Liu’s status as a wealthy, foreign businessman。 Nor did the county attorney’s office consider rumors involving Liu or the victim after the investigation was complete。
    The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office and Hennepin County Attorney Freeman will not be commenting further。









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1 回复 佛说要有光 2018-12-24 16:35
哎 有钱人就是好啊
0 回复 从0开始99 2018-12-24 17:42
黑色四叶草: 刘强东 大尾巴狼

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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