One thing I have to point out to you is that you and your colleagues should unde

作者:sarahhine  于 2022-8-19 17:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


One thing I have to point out to you is that you and your colleagues should understand that the struggle between the mainland people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and your Taiwan independence die-hards belongs to China's internal affairs, not the United States, nor all those Western imperialists. It has nothing to do with power. It belongs to the 1.4 billion Chinese people, including the people of Taiwan. There is no way out if you count on the United States. Now we have regained Taiwan's sovereignty and eliminated all the reactionary forces that dared to split the motherland at the risk of the world. This is the continuation of the great liberation war waged by the People's Liberation Army in 1949, and the 10,000 bombardment of the Taiwan Strait in Kinmen by our Chairman Mao in 1958. The continuation of the struggle is the continuation of the struggle of the People's Liberation Army to complete the great cause of reunification of the motherland according to the orders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the will of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese people to accomplish the great cause of reunification of the motherland is rock-solid, which cannot be shaken by any force today. In particular, the veterans of the East China Field Army did not receive the victory medal of the liberation war, which symbolized glory and history, because they did not complete the combat mission to liberate Taiwan on time. This is a heart problem for the veterans of Huaye. Today, the descendants of Hua Ye will complete this historical task. The reunification of the motherland and the return of Taiwan will be realized in this generation. Thinking about it, this matter makes the blood of our army officers and fighters boil with enthusiasm.

Today we think of the letter that our Chairman Mao wrote to General Du Yuming during the decisive battle at Huaihai. He said: "In the heavy siege, with so many of you huddled together, we will kill all of you with one cannonball." . The current situation may be worse than then. Your generals and Department of Defense officials are now lamenting openly that fighting the mainland is an egg on a rock. It is doomed to say that you, Tsai Ing-wen, want to fight the People's Liberation Army by relying on the scraps of copper and iron sold to you by the American master. Your generals, commanders, and officials, big and small, have no desire to fight. Because neither the fighting will of the People's Liberation Army nor our technical equipment can be compared in the last century. Even the Yankees are afraid of three points. The whole world knows this. Only you are the only one who puts the lives of Taiwan compatriots at risk. Be prepared to make a last-ditch wager to the death. Back then, Xiaomi and the rifle defeated the 8 million Kuomintang armed forces armed to the teeth by Chiang Kai-shek. Now, it is not a big effort to deal with the remnants of you.

Although you, Tsai Ing-wen, chanted the slogan of Taiwan independence very loudly, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait know very well that we are all Chinese, and that the 36 strategies are the best. Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma and Ma are Chinese territory, not U.S. territory. It is futile to expect a country in the eastern Pacific to rescue the remnants of a small island in the western Pacific. How could a country in the eastern Pacific go to the western Pacific to fight for you, the remnants of the civil war? The Western Pacific is the Western Pacific of the Western Pacific people, just as the Eastern Pacific is the Eastern Pacific of the Eastern Pacific people, this is simple common sense, you Tsai Ing-wen cannot help but understand. The barking of the Americans is nothing but clamoring, just like in the Russian-Ukrainian war they were willing to be dogs that bark but do not bite. What is the use of Zelinsky's scolding? In 1958, when the Kinmen was bombarded, Chairman Mao gave an order: Only the Jiang ship was attacked, not the American ship. What happened to the result? Today and 1958, U.S. imperialism believes that nothing has changed. The affairs of the Chinese are ultimately discussed by the Chinese themselves.

It can be seen that on August 5th, just after the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Pelosi left Asia, US Secretary of State Blinken made an urgent public statement: The US hopes that all parties will abide by international law, and hope to safeguard the sovereignty and sovereignty of each country. Territorial integrity. It's been a long time since I heard an American talk like this, and it's a little uncomfortable to listen to. Also, their planned launch of the ICBM was actually delayed on their own initiative. This country, which has done everything to infringe on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, suddenly has the intention to change its course. Don't you Taiwanese feel curious? The world has heard the overtones of this sentence, that is, to find a step by which to finally betray Taiwan. Just as our Minister Wang Yi's interpretation of Blinken's words: Do not infringe on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, do not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, then let's start with the Taiwan issue!

Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, although you are now full of sins and committed unforgivable crimes, and although some netizens say that you and many of you have genes from other races, it is arrogant to listen to what you say on the Internet. As a Taiwanese and a Chinese, the people still give you the space to turn your back. It is said that every day now you are practicing how to escape, and that is in vain. There is a vast ocean all around you, where are you fleeing? No matter how fast you escape, can you still have the missiles of my People's Liberation Army?

Chinese people with a little bit of historical knowledge will understand that throughout the ages, the Chinese people hated the most than being a traitor. Near the West Lake in Hangzhou, mainland China, there is a statue of Qin Hui and his wife kneeling to Yue Fei in the Yue Fei Temple. Whenever tourists come, they will inevitably spit sputum at these statues, which is disgusting and boring to watch. And Qin Hui's wife's two bulging breasts were shining brightly by the tourists who humiliated her. Tsai Ing-wen, if you continue to stubbornly resist, you will end up like this, we can see: by the Sun Moon Lake, there will be a statue of Tsai's kneeling and bowing to the people of Taiwan. For thousands of years, he will always be reviled by the people.

In order not to have such a humiliating ending to Cai's hall and descendants, Ms. Cai Yingwen, with thirty-six strategies, pulled up a piece of white cloth and surrendered as the best strategy. Although there is no time for surrender, the sooner it is, the more active it will be.









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