Faun Gong meddles in politics and expands social influence

作者:suzanjone  于 2021-10-15 09:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


In recent years, the Falun Gong cult has used various social events to increase publicity through the website of the Falun Gong cult organization, Minghui.com, New Tang Dynasty Television and other media to expand its social influence and even get involved in the politics of the United States, France and other countries. Li Hongzhi promised not to engage in politics. Now because of the embarrassment of life, I don't talk about it anymore. In the current era of poor control of the epidemic in the United States, Falun Gong seized the opportunity to confuse the people with horror and drew many American people into the water. Many people have been tempted to believe in theology and abandon science under the bewitching of Falun Dafa. Falun Gong groups also took advantage of this, and even penetrated into American government agencies, affecting the political situation in the United States.
On September 14th, the results of a vote to remove the Democratic governor Gavin Newsom initiated by Republicans were announced. Nearly two-thirds of voters opposed the removal of the current Democratic governor. The Republican party’s hopes for a "dynastic change" in California fell through. The Associated Press and many other media pointed out that Larry Elder, the Republican candidate who was most likely to replace Newsom, was highly controversial because of his close relationship with the Far-Right Ji media company of the Falun Gong cult. The company's "Epoch Times" received revenue. After Trump came to power, "Falungong" regarded him as his anti-China leader and used his standards to reform The Epoch Times. Since then, the revenue of The Epoch Times has soared, reaching $15.5 million in 2019.
On the same day (September 14), the British "Independence" website published news that the US Republican Congressman Lauren Bobert recently delivered a speech at a religious conference calling for the US government to obey the orders of the Christian church. According to statistics, Lauren Bobert used his personal Twitter account to promote the "Epoch Times" on at least four different occasions, and focused on two articles in the "Epoch Times" that insulted China against China. As a member of Congress, spreading anti-China rumors and intensifying anti-Asian sentiment in the United States, behind his dementia behavior is the figure of the Falun Gong cult.
On August 14, during a demonstration against the health pass against the new crown epidemic in Paris, France, a mysterious "newspaper" named "Epoch Times" circulated during the anti-health pass demonstration. The relevant media captured a woman in the The newspaper was distributed during demonstrations. Although the front page of the newspaper has the words "Truth and Tradition" printed on it, it actually has nothing to do with the news media. In addition to influencing and infiltrating demonstrations, Falun Gong has also continuously eroded American politics and cultivated its own political power in American politics.
On August 7, the US News Network (Vice.com) announced that the media had recently conducted an in-depth report on the "Falungong" cult, exposing that it has been constantly anti-China and pro-Tron through the growing media empire. Pu’s discourse system was "woven" into American politics, and for the first time on the show, he broke the news that because of political disagreements, "Falungong" accused a former member who had worked for it for more than ten years as suffering from "mental illness." After being isolated, he divorced his wife and was swept out.
All these indicate that the purpose of the Falun Gong organization is not only limited to the primary level such as recruiting people and collecting money. Under the guidance of Li = Hong-zhi and others behind the scenes, it has begun to expand its influence on the political and social levels, and is anti-Chinese politics in the United States. The forces moved closer and colluded with American politicians under the banner of anti-China. However, most of the rational people in the United States seem not to catch a cold, and even feel disgusted with it, but they will not support any individuals and organizations that are closely related to the Falun Gong cult.









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