
作者:宇宙异变的先兆  于 2023-8-1 08:17 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


1、 病症:正在发热变暖。
2、 致病原理:
3、 药方:减少人为二氧化碳排放。
4、 疗效:
为什么地球突然出现变冷呢?IPCC认为,正是病人持续发热才会造成身体突然变冷。又开出药方:加重药量,否则, 2035年地球体温将上升1.5度,界时全人类遭殃。IPCC诊治地球享有最高权威,应对气候恶化专业性不容质疑,几十年来,全世界人民向IPCC缴纳几千亿美金治疗地球,可惜疗效不佳,地球病情不断恶化,IPCC和气象界束手无策。
人类总是自以为是,这不,一个民科不知天高地厚为地球治病,自费开设“地球气候恶化成因研究实验室”诊所, 声称治疗地球各种疑难杂症,包括项目有:现实科学、宇宙万物自然规律、宇宙十字力、推动地球原动力、X行星,生命T模式、大地震预测、Covid-19诊疗方案、气候恶化成因、新能源研发等等科目。
2、 证据缺失


The first civil science "climate deterioration laboratory" prescribes medicines for the diagnosis and treatment of the earth

The earth is sick, and the body temperature has changed significantly. There are three kinds of situations: warming; cooling; the temperature difference between cold and hot continues to expand.
一. How should we help the earth to diagnose and treat it?
1. Symptom identification: whether it becomes cold or warm, or one cold and one hot.
2. Pathological research and judgment: find out the cause of the disease.
3. Pres**tion: symptomatic application.
4. Curative effect: observe the effect.
二. In 1988, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the meteorological community made a diagnosis and treatment of the earth.
1. Symptoms: Fever and warming.
2. Pathogenic principle:
The earth is like a greenhouse wrapped in the atmosphere. Man-made carbon dioxide emissions have continuously thickened the atmosphere, making the earth's greenhouse effect continue to strengthen, resulting in poor excretion of heat accumulated in the body, resulting in continuous rise in body temperature.
3. Pres**tion: reduce man-made carbon dioxide emissions.
4. Curative effect:
From 1988 to 2004, the earth's temperature continued to rise by 0.1 degrees. The condition did not improve after taking the medicine. Since 2005, new changes have occurred in the body, not only fever (continuously breaking high temperature records in summer), but also suddenly getting cold (the phenomenon of warm winter disappears, and the low temperature record is constantly breaking in winter. On February 10, 2021, the United States recorded 2,000 At the same time, with other complications (major earthquakes, accelerated northward shift of the magnetic pole, COVID-19 pandemic, intensification of various natural disasters), it is clear that the planet is getting sicker and sicker.
三. The current weather does not match the diagnostic results of the IPCC and the meteorological community.
Why is the earth suddenly getting colder? According to the IPCC, it is the patient's sustained fever that causes the sudden cooling of the body. Another pres**tion was issued: increase the dosage, otherwise, the temperature of the earth will rise by 1.5 degrees in 2035, and all mankind will suffer. IPCC enjoys the highest authority in diagnosing and treating the earth, and its professionalism in dealing with climate deterioration cannot be questioned. For decades, people all over the world have paid hundreds of billions of dollars to IPCC to treat the earth. Unfortunately, the curative effect is not good, and the condition of the earth continues to deteriorate. IPCC and the meteorological community are helpless.
四. Establishment of the "Research Laboratory on the Causes of Earth's Climate Deterioration"
Human beings are always self-righteous, no, a civil scientist who does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth treats the earth's diseases, and opens the "Earth's Climate Deterioration Cause Research Laboratory" clinic at his own expense, claiming to treat various difficult and miscellaneous diseases on the earth, including projects: real science, the universe and nature Laws, cosmic cross force, driving force of the earth, planet X, life T mode, major earthquake prediction, Covid-19 diagnosis and treatment plan, causes of climate deterioration, new energy research and development, etc.
Who is Lao Jinquan? It turned out to be the author of the book "The Harbinger of Cosmic Mutations---Warning of SARS and Bird Flu". In July 2004, he gave away 1,000 copies of "Universe" for free to issue earthquake warnings to 150 countries, requesting the United Nations to establish a global early warning and monitoring mechanism to prevent people from Threat of global pandemic spread by marine microbial viruses. A three-minute electric energy intake electromagnetic induction climate experiment is proposed to verify the causes of global warming and the deterioration of a cold and hot climate.
五. Lao Jinquan pointed out that there are ten mistakes in the diagnosis of the earth by the IPCC and the meteorological community.
1. Misjudgment of symptoms
The IPCC only observed the fever symptoms of patients before 2004, but completely misjudged the symptoms of one cold and one fever since 2005, and attributed them to fever. In addition, they had no knowledge of the many complications of the patients and failed to recognize them. Syndrome differentiation and treatment.
2. Lack of evidence
The IPCC only observes the symptoms of the patient’s fever and sweating (remarks: it only shows the shrinking phenomenon of the melting and shrinking of the Arctic glaciers, but covers up the fact that the Antarctic ice sheet is expanding), and concludes that the patient exhales too much carbon dioxide to cause a rise in body temperature. So far, no conclusive experimental evidence has been provided to support it. How carbon dioxide is causing the planet to heat up.
3. Pathological research and judgment
To equate the greenhouse effect of vegetables with the constant temperature of the earth does not conform to the principles of thermodynamics and scientific logic. It only measures local atmospheric changes from the perspective of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, and fails to measure climate change from the macroscopic realm of energy interaction between the universe and natural ecosystems...  …
六. In February 2005, Lao Jinquan had diagnosed the earth.
1. Symptoms:
Before 2004, it was warming, and after 2005, it was cold and hot.
2. Pathogenic principle:
Before 2004, the intake of electric energy was transformed into heat energy, which caused the global warming; after 2005, the electromagnetic induction generated by excess electric energy caused the cosmic cross force to disturb the natural ecosystem of the earth, thus causing the end of the phenomenon of global warming, replaced by one cold and one hot The temperature fluctuates sharply, and the temperature difference continues to expand throughout the year, constantly setting new records for high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter. Various complications: SARS and bird flu; outbreak of African swine fever and Covid-19; magnitude 9.3 earthquake in the Indian Ocean and Japan; accelerating northward shift of the earth's magnetic pole line; high temperature in Australia and extreme cold in the United States; various epidemics and natural disasters exacerbated. In the past 20 years, the cosmic cross-force disturbance has spread from the biosphere, the crustal circle, and the hydrosphere to the atmosphere. In 2004, the temperature difference between the earth's cold and hot temperatures changed from 35 degrees to soil, and now it has expanded to 45 degrees from soil. 10°C is approaching the extreme value of the amplitude of the negative force curve ± 50°C, which is the critical line of the balance of the earth's natural ecosystem. It is clear that the Covid-19 pandemic is showing that climate deterioration is accelerating.
3. Pres**tion: Immediately do a climate deterioration experiment of "electrical energy excessive intake electromagnetic induction".
(1) Detect the interior of the earth to understand whether there is a necessary connection between the power intake and the global warming.
(2) Whether the electromagnetic induction and the boundary of the atmosphere produce the Josephson effect.
(3) Whether the electromagnetic induction is related to each circle of the earth.
(4) Whether the electric energy intake electromagnetic induction causes the cosmic cross force to aggravate the disturbance of the earth.
4. Curative effect:
    Lao Jinquan spent hundreds of thousands of his own money to study the methods of diagnosing and treating the earth. In 2002, he conducted experiments on climate deterioration, and in 2004 he proposed a treatment plan. Unfortunately, so far in the past twenty years, no country, institution, enterprise or individual is willing to pay a penny to treat the mother of the earth. Diagnosis, treatment and medicine are not available. Therefore, the column of curative effect is blank.
The "Earth Climate Deterioration Research Laboratory" exhibition hall is free to visit. It won't be long before it will be closed. It is heartbreaking to watch the earth getting sick and helpless. , When I wrote this, I seemed to hear her crying for help in pain, and the heavens and humans couldn't help but shed tears. I have exhausted my whole life, Lao Jin has done my best, long live the earth!

Laboratory for Research on the Causes of Earth's Climate Deterioration
Lao Jinquan









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