美国的现状和社会结构 The status and social structure of the United States

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-7 08:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Oct 26, 2015 at 11:12 PM


美国的现状和社会结构 The status and social structure of the United States


美国人大多数教育水准低,尤其黑人拉丁裔,没有重教育的传统. 中国共产党伟大,建国后下苦功把教育搞上去了. 那些人,因为少教育,被宗教,原始情感,种族所束服,被有野心的政治人物利用. 同时整个国家被拖向律法不公正,金融混乱,不称职的上位,仇富. 这也是犹太人受排挤,向外找市场原因.

 Most Americans have low education standards, especially black Latinos, and there is no education. Tradition. The Communist Party of China is great. After the founding of the People's Republic, it worked hard to get the education up. Those people, because of less education, were convinced by religion, primitive emotions, races, and used by ambitious politicians. At the same time the whole country was dragged to the law. Injustice, financial chaos, incompetent superiors, hatred. This is also the reason why Jews are excluded and looking for the market.


为了便于管理,美国社会结构是树杈型的,最终端,是小百姓,没什么横向互动交叉交流. 不利健康心态,不利智慧碰撞. 美国社会近来家庭不稳定,单身,单亲,同性恋多,不利孩子成长. 美国平均教育水准低下,学位与工作机会社会地位不相配,很多与政治,种族,外貌有关,所以不肯读书,宁愿工作,不利人口素质提高. 穷人孩子要改变命运不易. 大多数美国人收入不高,免强过日子. 少数精英,犹太人注重教育,进入上层社会,很多外来精英补充美国的不足. 但是这边媒体,从来是以既有的成见来报道,在对华反面报道中长大的新媒体人也不会公正报道现实. 因为美国是新的,梳理清楚的结构,美国人又不会花心思去了解别人的复杂根深文化,所以对外决策常常鲁误. 

In order to facilitate management, the American social structure is tree-type, the most terminal, is the small people, there is no horizontal interaction and cross-exchange. Unfavorable health mentality, unfavorable wisdom collision. American society has recently unstable family, single, single parent, homosexuality, disadvantageous children Growth. The average educational level in the United States is low, and the degree does not match the social status of the job opportunity. Many of them are related to politics, race, and appearance. Therefore, they refuse to study, prefer to work, and disadvantage the quality of the population. It is not easy for poor children to change their destiny. Most Americans A small number of elites, Jews pay attention to education, enter the upper class, and many foreign elites supplement the United States. But the media here has always been reported by existing stereotypes and grew up in reports against China. The new media people will not report the reality fairly. Because the United States is a new, well-organized structure, Americans will not take the time to understand the complex roots and deep culture of others, so external decision-making is often reckless and wrong.

美国的优点在系统,尽管简单,但易管理. 复制延升,到一定规模,一旦有适合产品,容易聚集资源,容易很快暴富. 象娱乐界,几大电影公司每年几百亿收入,因为只有他们有分派渠道. 象沃尔玛,生活用品零售没人会便宜过他. 象难吃的麦当劳. 象军工系统,把不同武器联系起来,海空一体,没有别人能做到,只有乖乖进贡. 美国希望输出民主,其实是要别人同样系统,便于美国管理让货畅通无阻赚更多利润. 美国因为制造业大量外移,服务业又不会产生太多利润,象食童怪兽,要定时吃人,经济危机后缺钱,十年内又来一大批低素质拉丁裔,(根本不花什么钱就过来了,还吃福利)靠非常手段占据政经重位.这些人不会对中国人友好,把有才能的人赶走或不用,看见有钱中国人恨不得咬几口,这就是为什么开放旅游,留学. 因为留学几年怎么会了解美国社会? 连恋爱都无法谈. 又找不到工作. 旅游来一趟就走人,撒钱.

The advantages of the United States are in the system, although simple, but easy to manage. The replication is extended to a certain scale. Once there is a suitable product, it is easy to gather resources and it is easy to get rich quickly. Like the entertainment industry, several major movie companies earn tens of billions of dollars each year. Because only they have distribution channels. Like Wal-Mart, no one in the retail of daily necessities will be cheaper than him. Like the ugly McDonald's. Like the military system, the different weapons are connected, the sea and the sky are integrated, no one else can do it, only the tribute. The United States hopes to export democracy. In fact, it is necessary for others to have the same system, so that the United States can manage to let the goods flow smoothly and make more profits. Because the manufacturing industry has moved a lot, the service industry will not produce too much profit, like a foodie monster, to eat regularly. People, after the economic crisis, lack of money, a large number of low-quality Latinos in a decade, (no need to spend any money to come over, but also to eat welfare) rely on extraordinary means to occupy political and economic weight. These people will not be friendly to the Chinese, Let the talented people drive away or not, see the rich Chinese people want to bite a few mouthfuls, which is why open tourism, study abroad. How can it be because of studying for a few years? American society? I can't even talk about love. I can't find a job. When I travel, I leave and throw money.

我见过三十年前富裕的伊朗人,他们的钱是从伊朗赚的,到美国豪掷. 霍梅尼上台,断了根. 一点一点式微,尤其911后,象国际孤儿. 我见过这儿扩张的日本人,大把大把在LA downtown 买高楼. 办工厂,不到几年就悄然无声了.日本人不愿留美,因为他们知道,只有抱成团,留国内才安全.  我不知道中国的大款有什么新招. 台湾人觉得大陆人傻.我看富豪们来买,连英文都不会好好说,也不知道市场. 就天真以为别人会好好跟你合作. 这边的法律系统根本不是以公正为原则是为律师法院法官维持生计的. 这边的医疗系统,是让医生无病生小病,小病当大病,向保险公司要钱的. 因为需求不够. 来美富二代,很多教育修养不高. 其实俄罗斯的教育比美国好许多,艺术数学人文有的比大陆还好. 谁告诉他们美国好呢!欧洲也不错,还免费. 象听了魔笛跟着跑,父母也不要了,判断力也没有了. 中国特色是customization. 缺点就是效率低. 制造业又会产生污染. 最近的互联网有关产业暴富,是因为互联网是超大系统. 如果中国学习美国的结构,同时加横向联合, 提高基础科技成分,尽量在最后一里发挥人的创造精神,那就很了不起了. 

I have seen wealthy Iranians 30 years ago. Their money was earned from Iran and they were thrown into the United States. Khomeini took the stage and broke the roots. Little by little, especially after 9/11, like international orphans. The Japanese who have seen this expansion have bought a lot of high-rise buildings in LA downtown. The factory has been quietly silent in less than a few years. The Japanese do not want to stay in the United States because they know that it is only safe to stay in the country. I don't know what new tricks China has. The Taiwanese think that the mainlanders are stupid. I think the rich are coming to buy, even the English will not say it well, and I don't know the market. I am naive to think that others will cooperate with you. The legal system on the side is not based on the principle of justice, but also for the lawyers of the courts. The medical system here is to make the doctors sick and sick, to become seriously ill, and to ask the insurance company for money. Because the demand is not enough. In the second generation of the United States, many educations are not high. In fact, education in Russia is much better than in the United States. Some people in art mathematics are better than the mainland. Who told them that the United States is good! Europe is also good, and it is free. Just like listening to the magic flute, the parents don’t want it, and the judgment is gone. The Chinese characteristic is customization. The disadvantage is that the efficiency is low. The manufacturing industry will also pollute. The recent Internet-related industry is rich because the Internet is a super-large system. If China learns the structure of the United States, plus horizontal integration, improve the basic technology components, try to It’s great to play the creative spirit of the people in the last.









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