继续讲高等教育 More on college education

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-11 09:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Oct 26, 2015 at 11:17 PM


继续讲高等教育 More on college education


现在我继续讲教育. 教育是人生规划的一部分,它的功能包括 1.为进入适当的职业岗位做准备. 2. 提升人的精神境界知识构成. 3. 在受教育过程中,建立自己的社会关系网,为以后家庭建立,开拓职业打下基础.

Now I continue to talk about education. Education is part of life planning. Its functionalities include 1. Preparing to enter a proper career position. 2. Enhancing the spiritual level and knowledge structure of people. 3. Establishing connections in a society during the process of educationlaying the foundation for future family and career development.


1. 高等教育包括职业教育是培养社会需要的各种人才,所以应该有各种不同的学校和老师. 

1. Higher education, including vocational education, is a variety of talents for society, so there should be different schools and teachers.


2.正规大学只教有限的某些课程,这边的各类技术学校以及成人教育弥补了它的不足. 中国也应该是这样.比如潜水,木工,滑雪,简单医疗护理,开飞机,烹饪等等.

2. Regular universities only teach a limited number of courses, and various technical schools and adult education here make up for its shortcomings. China should also be like thisopen courses such as diving, carpentry, skiing, simple medical care, flying, cooking, etc. 



3. It should be networked with schools of the same kind in the world, and communicate regularly or irregularly.


4. 中国有许多特别的手工业产品,文化产品,有的精细,有的粗糙. 应该办学校传承,并用高科技手段提升产品的质量及文化美学价值.对这些手工业者,文化工作者,发放证书并在国际市场推销他们的产品.并开放国外学者来实习


4. There are many special handicraft products and cultural products in China, some of which are fine and some are rough. Should open schools toinherit them and high-tech means should be used to improve the quality and cultural aesthetic value of the products. For these craftsmen and cultural workers, certificates should be issuedand their products should be promoted in the international market. The same time open to foreign scholars for practice.

5. 有文艺体育专长的要有特殊学校来培养,提供特殊的舞台让他们在国际上绽放.

5. There must be special schools to cultivate arts and sports specialties, and provide a special stage for them to bloom internationally.


6. 一般性大学,对于文科生,如果能把学校连起来,那就应该让他们到各地轮流上学. 比如说学历史的,应该到所学历史的国家去上,学政治政府的应该去各个国家政府实习.眼睛见到的比书本上学的知识丰富很多.其实在每个学生选专业的时候都应该有一个介绍,告诉他们这个专业学出来是做什么的,去什么部门.

6. General universities, for liberal arts students, if can be connected, should allow students taking turns to go different schools. For example, if you study history, you should go to the country where your history is about, and you should go to the political government for government internship. What eyes can see is of a lot more knowledge than from the books. In fact, each student should have an introduction when they choose a major, telling them what the profession is doing and what department to go to.



7. The science and engineering should tell them more about what the industry is doing, and to what extent it will develop in the future. How to create things in advance and what kind of knowledge background is needed.


8.我们出了学校五年以后所学的知识就已经过时了美国百分之六十的工作和大学所学是两码事. 花的学费浪费啊.

8. The knowledge we have learned after five years of school is outdated. Sixty percent of the work in the United States and the university are two different things. The tuition is all wasted.


9. 美国正规的大学学费是很贵的,我也替Jackie担心,值不值得花. 是不是可以把每个学校的课程做成视频销售,把住校园的费用和请TA辅导的费用分开,把跟老师做项目的费用和上课的费用分开. 这样学生就可以在不同时间不同地点上他选的的课,选时间和TA交流homework, 到时在指定教室或网上考试就行了. 达到一定学分就可以毕业,不必在一个固定的校园.

9. The regular university tuition in the United States is very expensive. I also worry about Jackieis it worth spending. Is it possible to make each school course video for sale, and separate the cost of living on campus from the cost of TA counseling? Separate the cost of the project with the teacher and the cost of the class. This allows students to choose the classes at different times and at different places, choose proper time and TA for homework, and then go to the designated classroom for counselingor take online exam. Once you get enough creditsyou can graduate without having to be on a fixed campus.


10. 老师现在的研究项目可能需要不同系的不同背景的学生一起来做,他可以在网上找各类学生,标出价格,学分.学生可以跨校跨系跨州跨国做他有兴趣的项目,学会跟人合作增加经历. 

10. The teacher's current research project may require students with different backgrounds to work together. He can find all kinds of students online, and mark the price and credits. Students can cross school and cross the state to do the projects he is interested inlearn to work with people to add experience.


11. 不是每一个人对自己要学什么将来如何是有很清醒认识的,需要有一个人生规划的组织中上面引导安排,看朝那方面培养需要什么样的知识结构和经历.

11. Not everyone has a clear understanding of what he wants to learn in the future. It is necessary to have a mentor arrangement in life planning organization to see what kind of knowledge structure and experience are needed to cultivate that aspect.


12. 这样子的话上学的费用就是可控的,成绩好的应该可以有奖学金. 因为你在家跟视频学的话就不用去付很多学费,你也可以一边工作一边学,你也可以多学几个专业. 学校提供录像,教室,TA,考试地点,住宿,实验设施等.让学生自己选择.

12.This waythe cost of attending school is controllable. If you have good grades, you should have a scholarship. Because you don’t have to pay a lot of tuitions when you are at home watching video, you can also study while you work. You can also learn more professionals. The school provides videos, classrooms, TAs, test locations, accommodation, experimental facilities, etc. Let the students choose.


13.学校又是年轻人寻找伴侣和朋友的地方. 人生规划的组织应该考虑这些背景,让物以类聚创造更多的社交机会.

13. Schools are places where young people look for partners and friends. Life planning organization should consider these backgrounds and letsimilar feathers gather to create more social opportunities.


14. 老师应该学点心理学,老师也不是一生都是做老师,他们可以做不同的工作不同的称号.

14. Teachers should learn psychology. Teachers are not teachers all the times. They can have different titles for different jobs.


15. 学校的课程安排和招生人数更应该跟以后的就业需要相配合. 应该把整个社会的需要公开的告诉学生们,通过人生规划组织加以调整和安排.

15. The school's curriculum and enrollment should be more in line with future employment needs. The needs of the entire society should announce to the students publicly, or adjust and arrange them through life planning organizations.


16. 教育是人一生的人生规划中的一部分. 人生中选职业,选人生伴侣,有很多盲目随机的因素,选得好风顺,选不好会有很大的伤害.国家应该有这样的组织帮每个人更好地发挥自己的潜能.

16. Education is part of the life planning of a person's life. Choosing a career in life, choosing a life partner, there are many blind and random factors, and choosing well you will have smooth life, bad selection will be very harmful. The country should have such an organization to help everyone better develop their potentials.









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