流行乐和同性恋 Pop and gay

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-12 11:32 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Oct 26, 2015 at 11:20 PM


流行乐和同性恋 Pop and gay


David写的。 This is for David.

中国音乐学院没有教授如何创作流行音乐,不知何故教师看不起流行音乐,他们不能接受大脑中有不同的刺激,流行音乐有各种各样的变化和动态。 中国的大多数流行歌星都不是来自音乐学院。 相比之下他们的歌曲不是很有音乐感,因为我在这里听了很多流行音乐。 好吧,说实话,也许你可以在中国开设一家音乐学院,因为你手头有很多乐队,风格各异,你可以请他们在那里讲讲如何制作流行音乐。


The Conservatories in China do not teach how to create pop music, somehow the teachers look down upon pop music, they cannot accept that there are different stimulations in the brain, pop music has all kinds of varieties and dynamics. Most of the Pop stars in China are not from the conservatory. Comparatively their songs are not very musical because I listen a lot of pop music here. OK, get to the point, maybe you can open a music institute in china, since you have so many bands in hand, with different styles, you can ask them to give lectures on how to make pop music over there. 

此外,历史悠久的地方总是生产特殊的当地乐器。 在亚洲的广大地区,不同的文化,不同的地区,他们都有自己的乐器。 非常特别的声音质感和感受。 也许你的研究所可以成为收藏并推广这些乐器。 要求演奏者教授如何弹,同时向你的乐队和Hans Zimmer等作曲家介绍。 所以他们可以用这些乐器制作新的音乐。 给那些音乐家和乐器制造商提供一些业务,开辟新的市场,让生意可做。 同时,促进文化产生更多的精神食粮。 我们喜欢 我可以帮你写商业计划书。有一个特别值得关注的问题:同性恋,长期以来是一个禁忌的话题,但最近它在美国被广泛接受。 好吧,它是另类人类生活方式,所以它是一个市场。 我没有看到很多音乐,电影,活动主持生日,派对,贺卡,时装设计,日常用品,提供表达感情的舞台,或适合他们生活方式的东西。 也许你可以做点什么? 有一次我有几个英俊的同性恋男孩租我的地方。 我觉得他们正在人生中寻找一些东西,但在精神上他们不知道什么是可以追求的,真正值得追求的是什么。 没有人,没有人告诉他们。 也许你可以做点什么?

In addition, places with long history always produce special local music instruments. In wide areas of Asia, different culture, different regions, they have their own instruments. Very special sound texture, and feelings. Maybe your institute can be the collector and promote of those instruments. Ask players to teach how to play, the same time, introduce to your bands, and composers like Hans Zimmer. So they can make new music out of them. Give the musicians and instrument maker over there some business, and open new market , get yourself some business. The same time, promoting culture, produce more spiritual foods. We love it. I can help you write business plan. There is a special concern: homosexual, is a forbidden topic for a long time is history, but recently it is widely accepted in US. Ok, it is a variety of human life style, so it is a market. I do not see much of the music, movie, event hosting for birthday, party, greeting card, fashion design, daily products, to provide a stage to express feelings, or something suitable for their life styles. Maybe you can do something? Once I had a couple of handsome gay boys renting my place. I feel they are looking for something, but spiritually they do not know what is available to pursue, what is really worth pursue. No one, no one tells them. Maybe you can do something ? 









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