人口的质量比数量重要 Population quality is more important than the quantity

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-14 13:33 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Oct 31, 2015 at 3:30 AM


人口的质量比数量重要 Population quality is more important than the quantity


大大在中国在全世界只有一个主席大大. 前无古人后无来者历史上只有一个中国大大your majesty. 当你访问英国时英国皇家用最豪华镀金马车来招待你和彭麻麻我们在遥远的洛杉矶只能每天追踪你的新闻看着心里多羡慕啊. 啊呀呀呀太羡慕了只有你才有这样子的特权啊. 你有可能装成普通人在rush hour 上海去坐下地铁, 在周末去一下南北高架上开车?可以想象一下,如果人再多会是什么样子. 人一多,基本民生是硬需要,拉动的市场也是经济产业低层的东西. 这就是为什么发达国家人口不增加的原因,这也是美国引进高素质人才的原因. 而过去十年美国从拉美引进低素质的大量人口,整个国家的经济给拉下去了. 这是一个失败的教训. 所以质量胜过数量. Disney他们欢迎开放二胎,因为他们想把中国变成一个赚利的火锅. 他们自己却住在国外高级住宅区. 提供高价值的设计. 应该要质量而不是数量,某一天,中国政府也对发展中国家说,我可以提供别人没法提供的优化策略,智能化设计,可以把你们经济搞上去. 阿弥陀佛.


Xi Da Da, In China, there is only one chairman in the world. There is no one before, no one comes, there is only one Chinese Xi Jin Ping in history, your majesty. When you visited the United Kingdom, the Royal family provided the most luxurious gold-plated carriage to entertain you and Peng Ma Ma, we were in remote Los Angeles, we could only track your news every day, so envy. Ah, ah, too envious, only you had such a privilege. You may pretend to be ordinary people go to Shanghai subway in rush hour, drive on north and south elevated highway on the weekend? Imagine what it would be like if there were even more people. The basic people's livelihood need is solid, and the need market is also the low-level of the economic industry. This is why the population of developed countries does not increase. This is also the reason forintroduction of high quality talents in the United States. In the past ten years, the United States has introduced low-quality large population from Latin America, and the economy of the whole country has been dragged down. This is a failure lesson. So quality is better than quantity. Disney must welcome the opening of the second child policy because they want to turn China into a profitable hot pot. They live in high-end residential areas abroad. Providing high-value design. Quality should be used instead of quantity. One day, Chinese government also can tell developing countries that it can provide optimization strategy that others do not have,with intelligent design, can promote their economies up.Amitabha.









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