中国增加人口并非上策 China's increase in population is not the best policy

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-17 14:17 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


中国增加人口并非上策  China's increase in population is not the best policy


中国增加人口,是满足必需品生产的硬需要. 瑞典人口不足一千万, 连上海都不到,可是工业水平高,教育程度也高,基本不卖便宜货. 中国也没到可以随心所欲支配别国行政力的程度,所以中国企业外扩我觉得风险过大. 我是见过富二代的,很有些孩子素养差,炫耀父母的钱而已,如果没有后台,闯不出去的,就是有后台,也缺少一些东西. 整体来说,中国的发达程度还不够. 阿拉伯人扩张时,知道自己的文明不足,所以广纳天下知识智慧,在巴格达建了house of wisdom. 中国应该学阿拉伯人,消化吸收和提升. 真正的价值在于创造,创造是要头脑的头脑是要教育的,最没法绕过的,而且没有捷径的. 教育是要资金和心血投入的. 我看过一个外国小合唱团,他们唱“弯弯的月亮”,比刘欢唱得好听. 有国外的乐团改变中国的乐曲,仿佛是天籁之音. 在NY, 基本上人人讲究穿着,时尚眼,虽然衣服是中国制造,可是穿他们身上就是这么不同.在文化领域中的上层设计,承认欧美的先进. 要

China increases in population that is a hard demand to meet for the production of necessities. Sweden has a population of less than 10 million, and even much less that that ofShanghai, but the industrial level is high, educational level is also high, and basically does not sell bargains. Yet China has not been able to control administrative powers of other countries as it pleases. So I think the risk is too large for Chinese companies to expand abroad. I have seen rich second generation kids, quite few children are poorly qualified, showing off their parents’ money. If they do not havestrong back-support, they can’t go out, all depend on back-support. They also have something valuable missing. On the whole, China’s level of development is not enough. When the Arabs expanded, they knew that their civilization was insufficient, so they learned the wisdom and knowledge of the world and built a house of wisdom in Baghdad. China should learn from Arabs and make digestion, absorption and promotion. The real value lies in creation, creation is from themind, the mind is to be educatedEducation is the most unavoidable, without shortcutrequires invest money and effort. I have seen a small foreign choir, they sang "the curved moon", which is better than Liu Huan. There are foreign orchestras that change the Chinese music, as if it were the sound of nature. In NY Basically, everyone pays attention to dressing, fashion and things pleasing eyes. Although the clothes are made in China, it is so different  worn by them. In the upper layer of the cultural field, we must recognize the advancements of Europe and America. Learn!









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