发展土耳其的经济 Developing Turkish economy

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-18 14:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Nov 15, 2015 at 8:12 PM


发展土耳其的经济  Developing Turkish economy



Jackie said that you want me to talk about  Turkish economy. I don’t even understand Chinese economy. 


1.先讲一些政治的东西. 在美国在欧洲种族歧视是非常厉害的这也是为什么社会不稳定的原因之一. 我觉得应该研究一下为什么拜占庭和奥特曼帝国,一个一千年一个六百年,在那么文化宗教人种混杂的地方,可以维持那么久. 是因为政教结合?还是因为文化宽容?还是因为政策得法,比如说以经济手段来控制冲突?其中的智慧对以后世界文化宗教的融合社会的安定非常有价值.

Let's talk about some political things first. In the United States, in Europe, racial discrimination is very powerful, which is one of the reasons for social instability. I think we should study why Byzantine and the Ottoman Empire, one is about a thousand yearsanother is about six hundred years of rules, in places where cultural and religious races are mixed, it can last for so long. Is it because of the combination of politics and religion? Or is it because of cultural tolerance? Or is it because the  lawful policies were reasonable, for example, by economic means to control conflict? The wisdom of these is very valuable for the future integration of world culture and religion, for social stability.


2. 现在的土耳其有点像十五年前的上海. 土耳其的左边是欧洲希腊东欧,近年经济相当不景气,右边是叙利亚黎巴嫩,因为伊拉克战争半死不活的. 所以它没办法出类拔萃,他的风水也没有办法向外伸展. 土耳其最大的三个工业是纺织业,食品加工业和汽车业. 我看你们这次签的很多协定是有关基本建设的. 我在想中国的哪一个省以前的经济结构和土耳其现在比较相象,你可以借鉴那个省和地区的发展经验应用到土耳其哪儿. 土耳其的政局应该算是平稳的,这是一个很好的环境条件. 土耳其又是一带一路中联通欧亚的必经之地,战略地点相当好. 我想土耳其将来会有两个方向,一个是发挥自身的特有的条件发展本国的产品,二是利用得天独厚的地理位置作为一个欧亚连接的物流中心和文化中心.

2. Turkey is a bit like Shanghai 15 years ago. The left side of Turkey is Europe, Greece and Eastern Europe. In recent years, the economy in this region is quite sluggish. On the right is Syria and Lebanon. Because the Iraq war this area is half dead, so it can't excel, and its feng shui is limited to stretch out. Turkey's three largest industries are textile, food production and automobile. I think many of the agreements you signed this time are about infrastructure. I wonder, which province of China used to have the similar economic structure as Turkey nowComparing similarly, you can learn from the development experience of that province and region and apply it to Turkey. The political situation now in Turkey should be stable, which is a very good environmental condition. Turkey is a must strategic location connecting Europe and Asia in Chinese Belt and Road design. I think Turkish economy will have two directions in the future. One is to develop its own unique conditions for its own products, and the other is to use its unique geographical location as a logistics center and cultural center connecting Europe and Asia.


3. 要发展本地区的经济,就需要先把基本的能源和基建搞上去. 让工厂可以有足够的电力生产,东西可以有公路运出来,通讯设备网络完善,还有那些办公设施齐备. 我看你们这次开会的建筑不怎么摩登. 如果他们能像你们以前一样集中优势兵力主要产品生产出来,通过完善的交通设施将物流源源不断地输送到全世界的市场,那就是一个Plus. 土耳其那边有很好的各种各样的香料,精美的小点心我在中国基本上没有看到,这边洛杉矶市中心有一个 garment district, 都是中东人在那卖各种各样的,让人爱不释手的面料. 伊斯坦布尔有世界最大的巴扎,货品来自中东各地及欧洲,是一个物流中心. 最快的来钱办法就是做旅游,应该花钱在各个旅游点多建一些大旅馆,多培养一些旅游人才. 

To develop the economy of the region, we need to first set up the basic energy grids and infrastructure. Let the factory have enough electricity to produce, things can be transported by roads, the communication equipment, network are completed, and those office facilities are available. Look at the buildings for conference this time are not very modern. If they can concentrate advanced forces like you used to, get the main products, and deliver the logistics to the world market through perfect transportation networks, it is a Plus. There are a lot of spices and exquisite snacks in Turkey. I basically don’t see them in China. There is a garment district in the center of Los Angeles, where the Middle Eastern people sell all kinds of textiles. Istanbul has world's largest Bazaar, goods from Middle East and Europe, is a logistics center. The fastest way to make money is open tourist business, you should spend money to build more hotels in various tourist spotstrain more tour  guides.


3. 接着就是教育和医疗. 土耳其有那么深厚的历史文化教育资源应该是相当丰富的,应该开办多所大学,文科的研究院,就凭土耳其所处的地点就可以吸引够多欧亚的学子. 土耳其应该开办高质量的医院,以比欧洲便宜的价格吸引欧洲的病人,同时应以低价格恵及西亚的众生.

Then there is education and medical care. Turkey has such a profound history. Cultural and educational resources are quite rich. It is necessary to open a number of universities, liberal arts research institutes, even the location would attract enough Eurasian students. Turkey should have high-quality hospitals using cheaper price than Europe to attract European patients, and at the same time should be at a low price to serve mass majorities of West Asia.


4. 土耳其是新丝绸之路的必经点,有眼光的人现在就应该去哪儿投资. 无论是买房子还是建商场还是做实业. 应该也像他们奥特曼帝国一样,把中学生青少年选拔送到那儿去集中教育,长大时高速铁路通了以他们对当地文化的了解就可以成为有用之才可以预见,如果没有其他的政治宗教因素干扰,高铁一路连接去欧洲,土耳其会是一个繁华的国度,因为人流物流从那儿集散向西去东欧去西欧,向东去中亚甚至中国,向南去阿拉伯半岛以及北非. 从那边走的话要比从非洲好望角绕道不知道省多少时间和费用. 犹太人知道最好的商人是阿拉伯人,因为他们拥有丝绸之路,他们有很好的数学头脑人脉网络. 这也是为什么中东的人会很耐心的守成,不花大代价改变现状,因为他们觉得时间在他们那边,他们有人有地,得天独厚,东西一定要从那个通道才能进入亚洲非洲. 上帝恩惠他们!犹太人美国搞不定他们呢!

4. Turkey is the must-have point of the new Silk Road. People with visions should start investing nowwhether buying a house or building a shopping mall, or doing business. It should also be like the Ottoman Empireconcentrate kids for education. When kids grow up, the high-speed railway will beavailable. With their knowledge of local culture, they are useful talents! It is foreseeable that if there are no other political and religious factors, the high-speed railway will allthe way connect to Europe, Turkey will be a prosperous country, because people and logistics flow from there  west to Eastern Europe or Western Europe, east to Central Asia or even China, south to the Arabian Peninsula or North Africa. Through Turkey, I don’t know how much time and cost will be saved from avoiding Cape of Good Hope in Africa. The Jews know that the best businessmen are Arabs, because they have the Silk Road, they have good mathematical minds and network of contacts. This is why people in the Middle East would be very patient, not willing to spend a big price to change the status, because they feel that time is on their side, they have land, they are blessed, things must go through theirland to enter Africa, Asia. God bless them! Jews in the United States can't control them!


5. 其实美国虽然强大,但是头脑简单,比较好对付. 你们过去几十年重心都在美国身上. 中西亚南亚的情形要复杂得多,因为文明太古老了. 可是在中国的文化中包含了亚洲各种的古老文化,近年来因为列强的入侵也包含了欧洲美国的文化. 我看见现在你在帮土耳其提升经济,你可以文化相同的部分扩大他在你那边的市场让他的产品获利比如说鼓励开中东的餐馆在电视台教怎么做中东的菜怎么用他们的香料用他们的特殊衣服面料做时装秀等等你也可以有眼光地在他国家投资,帮助他建设. 比如说建大的旅馆同时要求给大批的中国游客好的旅游价格以较低的价格把中国的小商品电器卖给他们帮他们搭建通讯网络等等. 我觉得投资土耳其的基建比投资英国的要有前途,因为英国是个岛国,地点不够好同时你也可以以你之长补其不足,提供教育和医疗的资源,千万要记住及早培养一大批孩子学他们的文化.

In fact, although the United States is strong, people are simple minded easy to deal with. Chinese focus has been on the United States in the past few decades. The situation in Central and South Asia is much more complicated because civilization is so oldHowever, the Chinese culture contains all kinds of ancient cultures in Asia. In recent years, the invasion of different powers has also included the culture of Europe and the United States. I saw that now you are helping Turkeyto improve their economy, you can you can take advantage ofsimilar part of culture to expand their market on your side to let their products make profit, such as encourage them toopen Middle East style restaurants, teaching how to make Middle Eastern dishes on TV, show how to use their spices, hold fashion shows with their special fabrics, and so on. You can also invest in their country with a vision to help them build. For example, building large hotels, at the same time asking for a large number of Chinese tourists to travel with discounts, selling Chinese small commodity appliances  at a lower price, helping them build communication networks and so on. Investing in Turkey's infrastructure is more promising than investing in UK, because UK is an island country, and location is not good enough. At the same time, you can supplement their deficiencies with your strengths, providing education and medical resources. Remember to train a large number of children to learn their culture early.


6. 因为那边地点好会把周围的文化一网打尽. 向南的阿拉伯人有很好的数学头脑西北边的希腊也有很好的艺术传统, 该在那边开理工科大学做建筑的设计和软件编程.那边有动听的音乐美丽的服饰应该开办像好莱坞那样子的影视文化和时装设计中心. 我觉得中国有时候也会有被边缘化的危险,应该一点一点明智地开放自己助推亚洲文化的灿烂因为亚洲人多,有人才.

Because the location there is good, the surrounding culture will be all covered. The Arabs in the south have a good mathematical mind, and the Greeks in the northwest also have a good artistic tradition. It is better to have universitiesthere in architecturetechnologyand software programming. There are beautiful music, beautiful costumes, should open film and television, culture and fashion design center, like Hollywood. I think China sometimes may have a risk of being marginalized, you should  wisely open yourself gradually and promote the splendid Asian culture, because there are many Asians and talents.


7. 中国以前一直是朝太平洋的东边看,可是美国人知道自已的文化根不深. 这边除了纽约旧金山几个大城市,真没有什么意思,除非你喜欢看地质风景.中国是亚洲国家就应该做亚洲国家. 我觉得中国应该在新疆建几个大的象索菲亚那样的大清真寺,在回民多的地方建中小清真寺.上海只有徐家汇那个教堂有名,那么小. 应该在各地多建像样的教堂. 近年来国内建了那么多的大佛,花那么多钱,是显摆用的,其实对灵魂并没有触动提升多少. 应该利用这些建筑来提高精神层次 . 台湾新建的西来寺,开课程让小孩子们去学道徳,学历史故事,学书法学经文. 中国只有让游客花大钱去买香烧. 境界差老了. 他山之石可以攻玉,你也可以以这些宗教来凝聚人心,提高道德,精神素养. 有了这些设施你就可以邀请国外的相似的团体来进行交流,或年会 大家高兴. 在欧洲旅行时最喜欢看的就是教堂.

China used to look to the east of the Pacific Ocean, but Americans know that their own cultural roots are not deep. There is really not much to seen US except for several big cities such as San Francisco, New York, unless you like to see geological landscapes. China is an Asian country shouldbe Asian country. I think China should build several large mosques like Sofia in Xinjiang, and build small and medium mosques in places where there are many Muslims. Shanghai has only one famous church in Xujiahui, so small. Churches should be built in various places. China has built so many big Buddhas and spent so much moneyIt’s mainly for display, actually not touching or lifting the soul at all. You should use these buildings to improve the spiritual level. The newly built Xilai Temple in Taiwan opens  courses for children to learn moralities, historical stories, and calligraphy. In China templesonly let tourists spend a lot of money to buy incense. Big gapin spiritual levels. It is said the stone of other mountains can be used to attack jade. You can also use these religions to unite people and improve morality, spiritual literacy. With these facilities, you can invite similar groups from abroad to communicate, or open annual meetings, everyone is happy. When traveling in Europe the most we like to see are the churches.


8. 不光是土耳其,其实沙特阿拉伯伊朗科威特,都应该花点精力和时间开发开发,走动走动. 把他们的优点都发掘起来,让中国人也有幸享受他们的好东西,同时让他们获利. 他们的文化也是很特别的呀!而且那些地方人少,还可以想着怎么样也让中国人多多移民去那边. 看见阿拉伯的高大威武的马吗?各种各样,比汗血宝马不知道漂亮多少倍!可是去内蒙古呼伦贝尔,新疆,那边只有一种马.  下次再聊.谢谢你们愿意听我讲.

Not only Turkey, actually Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Kuwait should all spend some energy and time developing and moving around. They will explore their advantages and let the Chinese also have the good fortune to enjoy their good things and make them profitable. Their culture is also very special! And those places have few people, you can also think about how to let the Chinese immigrate to there. See the tall and mighty Arabian horses? All kinds, much prettier than ferghanahorse in Central Asia! But if you go to Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier, Xinjiang, there is only one kind of horse.  I will talk again next time. Thank you for willing to listen to me.









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