手机改变生活 Mobile phone changes life

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-26 10:12 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Dec 6, 2015 at 11:00 AM

手机改变生活 Mobile phone changes life


今天看别人在微信上发的link, 讲一代人曾经那么用功,学那么多东西,学高等数学,高等物理,化学,地理,政治,历史,等等等等,可是到现在,就每天在看手机. 既然现在已经到了手机年代,Jackie每天除了上课,就花时间在手机上,和朋友聊天,查询知识,听音乐除了没有可以在行上互动的东西,其他的基本上都可以在手机上获取. 既然是手机时代,很多本来需要很长时间坐在那儿进行的是不是可以把它分成一小块一小块的,或者是互动性的. 人学东西分几个阶段,每个人学东西又有不同的方式. 有的要动手才能学得快,记得牢. 有的要听,有的要看图象,有的通过阅读. 而人的注意力常不可能维持长久,尤其是小孩子,是和年龄成正比的. 现在人做事有的时候需要一大块的时间不能够从中分出来。而其他一些小的事件随身的手机就可以提供很多的方便.

Today, saw a link that others have sent on WeChat, telling that a generation has spent so much effort, learned so many things, studied advanced mathematics, advanced physics, chemistry, geography, politics, history, etc., but now, every day is watching Mobile phone. Now that we’ve reached the age of mobile phones, Jackie spends much time on the phone every day, chatting with friends, inquiring about knowledge, listening to music. Besides those can not be interacted on the lineother things can basically be done on the phone.  Since it is the era of mobile phones, many of them would have to sit there for a long time, can you divide time into small piecesor more interactive. People learn things in several stages, everyone learns different ways some  learn fast, goodmemory. Some prefer to listen, or see images, or through reading. And people's attention is usually impossible to maintain long-term, especially for small childrenproportional to age. Nowadays people need long period of time to do things, can't be separated time period. For other small events, portable mobile phones can provide a lot of convenience.


某些在课堂上要讲一两课的概念可以把它分成小块在手机上播讲!而对概念的熟悉也可以通过互动的游戏来进行. 有很多实际的东西可以通过电影动画以短篇的形式在手机上播放. 很多日常生活,比如说付款啊,拿工资啊,银行转钱等等是不是也可以作为一个软件服务让客户可以在手机上查看和运作.如果要购买日常用品可不可以作为一个服务在网上订购你要的东西,让他们送到家里或者到指定地点去拿. 有什么东西要通知你也可以在手机上发信息. 总之我觉得应该会有很多的新的应用程序,会开发出来新的市场应用让人们的生活更方便,更有效. 而且对于市场来说也是一个新的销售渠道和生活方式. 以前人们对外界的感知是通过五官还有语言以及行动,现在多了一个渠道那就是无线连网的手机.

Some of the concepts of one or two classes can be divided into small pieces and broadcast on mobile phones! The familiarity with the concept can also be carried out through interactive games. There are many practical things that can be played on the mobile phone in short form through movie animation. Many daily life activities, such as payment, salary, bank transfer, is it also a software service that allows customers to view and operate on their mobile phones? If you want to buy everyday items, can you use it as a service, order what you want online, let them ship home, or specify the location to pick up. There is something to inform you, people can also send messages on your mobile phone. In short, I think there should be a lot of new applications, new market applications developed to make people's lives more convenient and more effective. And for the market, mobilephones are also a new sales channel and lifestyle. In the past, people's perception of the outside world was through facial features, as well as language and action. Now there is another channel, that is, wireless connected mobile phones.









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