
作者:转折点  于 2020-10-31 23:04 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Dec 20, 2015 at 3:34 PM


以诗为例进行艺术创作,办文化雅事  Taking poetry as an example for artistic creation, doing cultural affairs


如果你们找出诗来,还要烦请主席的女儿,请给翻译一下英文, 要优美的. 主席的女儿有英文名吗?如果要走国际化,最起个英文名,比如Melody Xi我已经跟Jackie说好了啊,她要负责编曲. 她说Ok.其实如果彭妈妈,或自告奋勇的有音乐才华的人愿意做都欢迎. 各种形式的歌唱的乐器的舞曲的,各种适合内容的形式都行. 然后我想说跟这诗有关联的,比如说季节,地区的文化,所吃的特别的食物,当地人的生活习惯,服装,当地的风花雪月的故事,等等等. 还有在别的文化中有这个诗相似的情景吗?是怎么表现的?那就可以找他们的人来演绎.  更要看中国的玉雕,木雕,石雕啊,刺绣啊,丝绸啊,景泰蓝,珍珠珠宝首饰,手工艺等有没有跟这个主题有关的,比如说下雨了有没有油纸伞呢, 比如说春天有没有荷花池,怀春的少女,手工精秀的荷包,等等等,都可以一并呈现的. 可以联合国教科文组织的名义集会,可以拍卖这些艺术品. 下次请你给我一首诗让我去画画.对了应该请国画大师们,有的擅长景物山水,有的擅长人物,看谁擅长什么比如范曾什么的,多画几幅. 如果有酒的时候,多拿几瓶,痛饮共醉!

If you find good poems, you still have to worry. The daughter of the chairman, please translate the English, be beautiful. Does the daughter of the chairman have an English name? If you want to go international, it is best to have an English name, such as Melody Xi. I have already said to Jackie, she is responsible for the arrangement. She said OK. In fact, if Peng Mama, or the volunteers who have the talent for music, are willing to do it, all are welcome. The dance music of various forms of singing instruments, It’s a good form of content. Then I want to talk about the poems, such as the season, the culture of the region, the special foods I eat, the habits of the locals, the costumes, the stories of the local wind and snow, etc. Etc. Is there something similar to this poem in other cultures? How is it manifested? Then you can find someone to interpret it. It depends on Chinese jade carvings, wood carvings, stone carvings, embroidery, silk, cloisonné, pearls, jewelery, handicrafts, etc., whether it is related to this theme, for example, it is raining. Are there any paper umbrellas, such as lotus ponds in spring, girls in Huaichun, hand-painted purses, etc., which can be presented together in the name of UNESCO. Next time, please give me a poem, let me paint. Right, I should ask the Chinese painting masters, some are good at scenery, some are good at people, and who are good at it, such as Fan Zeng, and more If you have alcohol, take a few more bottles and drink it!









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