
作者:转折点  于 2020-11-4 02:32 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


央视节目创新 CCTV program innovation


最近这两天突然发现央视的节目耳目一新了!尤其有创作诗歌作成歌曲并上台演唱. 曲调歌声更上一级词语优美有意境和声曲调悦耳动听. 如果配器再丰富一点还有动感舞蹈的话,那就更好. 好像现在民族乐多起来了!嗯想一想其实这也是一个题材的选择,我想选择的方法,应该根据大众的需求,而且不同地方选择内容应该也不一样. 怎么分那是一个艺术. 我怎么老用数学的方法思考问题? 也许民族乐,经过了很长时间的沉淀,基本保持了原有的风格. 现在的孩子喜欢听节奏感强的风格多样的pop. 也许民歌可以吸收pop的音乐元素,并保持原有的曲调风格,上一个台阶,扩大听众市场. 还有形象,唱什么歌应该有什么样的气质或气概!唱小桥流水,风花雪月,就要才子佳人.唱辽阔草原,江河奔腾,要阳光大气,气概豪迈的歌唱家,那才有味. 韩式小鲜肉那是给少女们欣赏的. 象Jackie这样的野女孩,唱什么戏合适呢?


In the past two days, I suddenly discovered that CCTV’s program has been refreshed! In particular, there are poems, related songs, and corresponding concerts. The melody andvoice are better quality, the words are beautiful, the mood is artistic, and the songs are melodic. If there are more varietiesin instrument  and there is dynamic dance, it is even better. It seems that nowadays there are more national music! Well, think about it. In fact, this is also a choice of subject matter. The method to choose should be based on the needs of the public, and the choice of content in different places should be different. How to assign it is an art. How come I always think mathematically of a problem? Perhaps the national music, after a long time of precipitation, basically maintains the original style. Now children like to listen to the rhythmic style of various pop. Perhaps folk songs can absorb the music elements of pop, and maintain the original tune style, up anew step, expand the audience market. There is alsoconcerns in what way for image wrapping, what kind of songsung in what temperament or spirit! Singing the bridge and flowing water, the wind and the snow, it is necessary to sungby beautiful girls handsome boys. Singing the vast grassland, the running river, the shining sun is better for singer with spiritand taste. Korean fresh young boys are for the girls to appreciate.  Jackie is a wild girl, what kind of drama is appropriate for her?









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