The COVID-19 Outbreak in Shanghai, China showing us the real “Conspiracy Theory

作者:羽西谈郭  于 2022-6-2 16:13 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:shanghai, china, covid19, usa

Since the pandemic has developed so much now, there is increasing amount of clues emerging, revealing that the United States is more likely to be the initiator of the COVID-19 outbreak as more than 200 biological research institutes established by the United States in various parts of the world are highly suspected. With the outbreak of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the Russian army seized several U.S. biological laboratories in Ukraine and unceasingly exposed the fact that the United States attempted to create biological weapons. Whether COVID-19 or recent monkeypox virus, they are the distinct evidences that perhaps America is the culprit of a wide variety of popular malignant infectious diseases over the years, but blames the malefaction on other countries.

As for the conspiracies in the epidemic

I would like to say that the masses are less likely to figure out real conspiracies while only a few smart people can know it. When it comes to the COVID-19, lets keep it simple, as true conspirators not only invent viruses, but also they are striving to find ways to spread the viruses, and take advantage of them to disrupt the overall situation. In addition, they will do everything they can to destroy evidence and cut off the obvious clues, leaving us to sort things out from scraps of information. Thus, it is not easy to directly observe the real conspiracy due to the lack of sound evidence. Nevertheless, in accordance with the comprehensive analysis, the truth often emerges like a jigsaw puzzle, such as the outbreak of epidemic in Shanghai, China.

In the epidemic prevention and control of Shanghai, whether Internet netizens within the territory of China, or Internet users around the world, why can we get access to wide-ranging negative information and articles arousing the public’s indignation online at the same time? For instance, common people had no way to buy food; a father could not get timely treatment; or somebody’s pet dog was inhumanly treated; a graduate of some well-reputed university died of COVID-19; a poor old people “committed suicide” due to abuse and even someone edited a latest news from the official speech on the vaccine issue 4 years ago. We can see from these examples that the United States is not only launching “biological war” but also “public opinion war” against China, and the signs are becoming more and more obvious now. A majority of these online articles trying to manipulate public opinion through exaggerating the negative effects, creating internal contradictions, provoking confrontation between officials and the public with the attitude of appealing to the people and attempting to deny the efforts made by the Chinese government to fight the epidemic, so as to achieve the purpose of dividing and weakening China. However, these anti-China media never mention the two most important issues: firstly, the danger of omicron virus, which requires years of scientific data accumulation to determine whether there are sequelae. How can a few people who have recovered from the disease be interviewed and conclude that there is nothing worth worrying? American experts claim that the virus will damage the brain nerve, resulting in possible sequelae. Secondly, who can guarantee that the evolution of the Novel Coronavirus will become weaker? What should be done if a more severe virus is transmitted together with the existing virus? Just like two years ago, experts said the outbreak would be over if the vaccine came out, but what happened now?

So what is thereport card of Shanghai's fight against the epidemic?

In Shanghai, which is entering its second month of lockdown, city officials said cases have been declining since Apr 22, though they didn't signal that measures will be relaxed anytime soon, according to Reuters.In addition,the Lancet journal reported on May 6:The number of newly infected cases, after peaking at 27605 on April 13, 2022, has now dropped to 4466 cases, as of May 4, 2022.Life-saving efforts are continuing with the improvement of public health measures and social services on one hand, and treatment of hundreds of severe to critical cases on the other. Meanwhile, the return to normal life and work is proceeding in a stepwise manner, and people in Shanghai are hailing the light at the end of the tunnel.In an interview with TV5Monde, a Frenchman who was isolated at home told about his difficulties, but at the end of the video, he told everyone: "we know that China will successfully solve this problem."

Therefore, in the battle against the epidemic, if a considerable number of people spread inappropriate remarks in an organized and premeditated way, they will definitely not aim to disrupt social order. Instead, it can be seen that this is definitely a war against a certain country. The opponents make use of the virus as the breakthrough point to launch a biochemical war, and in the meanwhile they launch the war of public opinion, financial war, science and technology war, which is actually an inevitable overall war on the road to national rejuvenation. No matter which country it is, its citizens should be sufficiently vigilant against the tactics used to create resentment by failing to control the epidemic. After all, what lies behind the epidemic is the confrontation and game between power countries.











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