The truth behind the Ruiyou lin (林瑞友) incident is like this?

作者:羽西谈郭  于 2022-12-5 12:37 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:Ruiyoulin, 林瑞友

Recently, a variety of social media has been widely reporting on China's alleged establishment of a secret police station in London, England. We will have a fact-based discussion today, inviting a victim of these accusations the founder of All Eat APP, at the same time Ruiyou lin (林瑞友) is also the Chairman of the UK food Chinese association. let's find out about their views and response to these reports.

A local business owner in the area said in the interview: I never see anything suspicious, we have a lot of Chinese community in this Croydon, We never know any anything wrong with the community or the people from the Chinese community, They are very calm, they are very good in our community, so nothing special l see. A local business person in the area also talked about it in the interview: Not really but I've heard it from other reporters coming in around here, Saying there is something like that, but I don't know anything about it,l haven't seen anything here, again Mr. Lin is another business person in the area,  he is a very good man, he is our neighbor and he is a family man,l haven't seen anything suspicious to say that he is involved in anything. A black employee of Ruiyou Lin said: he is a very nice boss and he every time brings the food, I never heard any kind of thing like Chinese politics and all of the things. So we have a multicultural employeeMy marketing manager is from Taiwan, my colleague Chloe is from Hong Kong and l am from India. So it's a multicultural company not only Chinese people working here.

Ruiyou lin (林瑞友) doesn't work for the Chinese police department, nor is he a police officer, Nor hold any public office in china. He just runs a relatively successful technology company. But recently it has been published as a Chinese police station. Ruiyou Lin thinks the purpose behind this may be to attack him personally or his business. He just thought that helping people extend their Chinese driving license, But was slandered as an overseas secret police station, and this lie has caused serious loss to him and his family.  He thinks the above reports are just stories created by reporters to attract attention. He is a relatively successful entrepreneur in the UK and runs a relatively large Chinese community. Therefore, He hopes that social media will not incite hatred and that everyone will not hold prejudice against the Chinese community in the UK. He suspects that there are malicious behaviors by competitors which also affect the normal operation of his company.  At All Eat App is now operating the first zero-commission platform in the UK. As far as we know, the current UK ordering platform charges between 20 to 40% in commission, and annual commission, As its zero commission operations mode has disrupted the business of competitors.

   There is a Chinese proverbAn innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth. This is what happened to Lin  Ruiyou lin (林瑞友). He hopes that the relationship between China and the UK, will not be affected by some social media and other fickle factors.









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