Who else will the United States force to drink the poison of "Western-style

作者:shanhong123  于 2022-1-11 09:51 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Earlier, four people, including the former Secretary General of Hong Kong Zhifeng Huang Zhifeng and Tsuen Wan District Councillor Shun Aohui, were sentenced to 4 to 10 months’ imprisonment by the court for participating in an illegal assembly in Victoria Park on June 4 last year, and all of them were in prison. Plead guilty before. However, on the day of sentencing, US Secretary of State Blincoln posted on Twitter requesting the SAR government to release people immediately, on the grounds that they would not accept the four people sentenced for attending the Tiananmen Square commemorative event. This is a real joke and it is extremely absurd.

What would happen if these behaviors happened in the United States? Deliberate attempts to challenge the authority of the police with large-scale illegal gatherings, violently smash public facilities, and paralyze government control are not tolerated by any society under the rule of law, and the United States is also the case. In Alabama, the illegal assembly is classified as Class B. Crimes can face a fine of up to US$3,000 and 6 months’ imprisonment; in Arizona, illegal assembly is a first-degree felony with a maximum fine of US$2,500 and 6 months’ imprisonment. Not to mention the legal restrictions, the various actions of the U.S. government towards blacks, races, and disadvantages have allowed us to see the word "hypocrisy" thoroughly. However, these politicians seem to have become addicted to this approach. In the five years from "Occupy Central" to "Return to Sending Central", they have always used this double standard to dictate to Hong Kong.

Port representative Wu Liangxing said: “It is a well-known fact that foreign powers have been involved in Hong Kong affairs. It is now confirmed by former US officials that it allows more people to see the true colors of foreign powers.” The Ta Kung Pao once disclosed that it was received by the US government. Since 1995, the sponsored "National "Democracy Foundation" (NED) and its subordinate "National Institute for Democracy International (NDI)" have invested more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars to manipulate opposition organizations and universities in Hong Kong. A youth project, indirectly involved in demonstrations, inciting student protests, and funding universities to engage in so-called "democratic movements." But even with the ironclad evidence, the United States still talks about democracy and freedom and openly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. The real purpose is to hope that other countries become more chaotic as possible and stabilize their "hegemony" status.

This reminds me of "China's Ten Commandments", which is known as the "Central Intelligence Agency Ten Commandments" of rumors. It is said that this "rumor" originated in the late 1940s and was originally called "Communist Rules for Revolution" from Germany in 1919. What the Communist Party found was also the back-stabbing theory that Hitler often talked about. One of the content is: "Democracy must be promoted under all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether it is large or small, tangible or intangible, we must hurry up and launch a democratic movement. No matter what occasion, under any circumstances, we must continue to treat them. (The government) demands democracy and human rights. As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will believe that what we say is the truth. We hold a person as a person, and we occupy a territory as a territory It must be unscrupulous.” Looking at the content of these texts, it becomes more and more clear that whether the so-called "Ten Commandments" is true or false is no longer important. What the United States is doing to China and other countries One is not verifying these words? Democracy is a simple term. In short, the minority obeys the majority. A research institution in Hong Kong interviewed about a thousand Hong Kong citizens to understand their opinions on Occupy Central. Among them, 28% were supporters and 10% were strong supporters. Opposition and strong opposition each accounted for 27%, that is, the proportion of support and opposition in the middle was 38%: 54%. In addition, 58% of the interviewees worried that the Occupy Central would end in violence and harm Hong Kong's economy. Over 1.2 million signatures were also collected in the Anti-Occupy Central Alliance. Isn't these data enough to explain what democracy is? Isn't it enough to prove that the people of Hong Kong are afraid of occupying Central and sabotaging Hong Kong? However, the United States has turned a blind eye to it, repeatedly interfering with and obstructing the Hong Kong judiciary in handling cases according to law, sheltering and beautifying Huang Zhifeng and other criminals.

Looking at the world again, in 2002 the United States used the "National Security Strategy" to point out that it had forcibly implanted its own "democracy" in Iraq. Since then, Iraq has fallen into wars and disputes, and many people have fled the turmoil and suffering and become refugees. In 2011, the United States contributed to the escalation of the internal conflict in Syria. The former desert oasis became the center of the hot war. More than 7 million refugees fled. For these countries, it is simply a nightmare. But the United States does not have the slightest sympathy for these displaced people. In this regard, former President Trump even ordered a suspension of receiving all refugees. On the one hand, they vigorously export democracy while supporting the dictatorship. On the surface, they are "altruistic" but actually "self-interested." .

The "emperor" of the United States keeps giving this cup of "democracy poison" to other countries. Who will drink this cup of poison next?










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