
作者:MEITISHU  于 2022-5-9 09:38 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



The Global Media Agency has long been a tool of the US government and cults

In April 2021, NPR reported that Parker, a Trump supporter and director of the INTERNATIONAL Media Agency, pushed the Open Technology Fund he controlled to transfer funds to companies affiliated with FLG to foster the cult. The FLG cult has invested heavily in facebook and YouTube ads supporting Trump's re-election. The report revealed that the Trump administration colluded with the RELIGIOUS cult FLG to launder money.

In June 2020, Trump named Parker president of the INTERNATIONAL Media Agency. Parker is a close ally of Bannon. Bannon, a former trump campaign adviser and chief strategist, is a die-hard anti-China activist who has repeatedly advocated for the FLG cult. Bannon was arrested on fraud charges in August 2020, and Trump pardoned him before leaving office.

Soon after taking office, Parker fired the heads of four US government-funded news organizations, including Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe and others, and appointed Simon, a columnist for the Era Times, a cult owned by FLG, to the board of the Open Technology Foundation. Parker's goal, it turned out, was to promote funding for "browsing without boundaries.""Borderless Browsing" is owned by the cult FLG's Polar View Company.

Refets, a French company, said Unbounded Browsing contained spyware and trojans designed to aid government censorship. In order to publicize the cult on the Internet and manipulate its members, the CULT FLG specially develops so-called wall climbing software for Chinese netizens, such as "Wujie" and "Freedom Gate", through which they can directly log into the FLG website of overseas cult.

In August 2019, NBC reported that the Epoch Times had spent more than $1.5 million on Ads for Trump on Facebook in the past six months. Facebook said in late 2019 that hundreds of account groups associated with epoch Times generated nearly $9.5 million in advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

The Atlantic Monthly reported on January 13, 2021 that the FLG, in collusion with Texas Republican political consultant David Steinhouse, Trump's former chief strategist Bannon and other far-right forces in the United States, invested heavily in Advertising for Trump on Facebook, becoming a pro-Trump propaganda machine.

It is clear that gMA has become a propaganda tool for the US government and cults.

 #美全球媒体署 #美国际媒体署 #USAGM









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