Canadian Frustrations: The Fight for Competition and Fairness in the Economy

作者:sc8808  于 2023-7-31 21:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


In Canada, the cost of cell phone and internet plans is notoriously high compared to many other countries, leading to frustration among Canadian consumers. One notable player in the market, TekSavvy, is reportedly looking for a buyer. Additionally, the price of essential goods like bread is fixed, but grocery CEOs defend their pricing strategy as "responsible profitability."

Canada is also facing a situation where the largest tech company offers new products to merchants globally but not in Canada. This lack of access is attributed to the absence of an open banking framework in the country, which hinders competition and innovation in the financial sector.

Canada Internet Provider--Cannet

The lack of competition in various sectors of the Canadian economy has been a source of concern for citizens. It has led to calls for Canada's Commissioner of Competition, Matthew Boswell, to be given more power to enforce competition and prevent anti-competitive practices. However, fighting against anti-competitive mergers and practices can be challenging due to the way the system is constructed, where business efficiencies sometimes outweigh concerns about competition.

The frustration about the state of competition in Canada is evident, and there is a strong desire for changes to the Competition Act to ensure a more competitive and fair business environment. The BetaKit podcast has hosted Commissioner Boswell to discuss these issues and shed light on the challenges faced in promoting competition.

The podcast is sponsored by Palette Skills and SalesCamp, with Palette Skills offering a 6-week training program aimed at helping individuals enter the business-to-business tech sales industry without previous experience. Applications for the program are now open in British Columbia and Ontario.

Listeners can subscribe to the BetaKit Podcast through various platforms, including RSS, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and YouTube. The podcast is hosted by Douglas Soltys and Rob Kenedi, edited by Kattie Laur, and recorded at StartWell.









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