11 生命之树 Tree of Life

作者:卢岩  于 2023-8-10 00:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



According to Compendium of Buddhism, author has reintegrated the five faculties of one hundred laws into Tree of Life.

目录 Content Table11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants11.2 四大种 Four Big Seeds11.3 十二生长处 Twelve Growth Places11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes11.4.1色蕴 Color Node11.4.2受蕴 Acceptance Node11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node11.5 四食谛Four Foods Crux11.6 五果 Five Fruits11.6.1 异熟果 Mutant Fruit6.2 等流果 Equally Stream Fruit11.6.3 士用果 Warrior Usage Fruit11.6.4 离系果 Off-Be Fruit11.6.5 增上果 Escalatory Fruit

11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants


Here, law is nature law, based on recurring facts or phenomena; ancients often used ruts and rails as metaphors. All phenomena that existed in the past, presently have, and will still exist in the future, are laws, such as rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, birds, fish and insects, laws, morals, affairs. All laws have four quadrants, the first quadrant is phenomenal quadrant, the second quadrant is View Quadrant, and third is self-agreement quadrant, the fourth is confirmation quadrant. Law has the four kinds of quantum functions in heart, therefore the four juristic quadrants come to exist.


The first quadrant, phenomenal quadrant, is objective phenomenon, is the object faced or viewed by subject. Such as color, sound, smell, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts. From the perspective of perception, the external world (i.e., first quadrant) is the projection of the human heart. This process of transforming stimuli into phenomena is an unconscious function (i.e., fourth quadrant) that we cannot perceive directly, but rather phenomena (i.e., first quadrant). Ancients used image in mirror to illustrate the first quadrant, that the image in mirror and the person looked in the mirror share the same body.


Second quadrant, view quadrant, is illuminated and clearly seen, is function of aggregative heart’s transformation.


Third quadrant is self-agreement quadrant, is result of viewing, sensing, or meaning from the second quadrant. It is said that self-agreement quadrant is fruit of view quadrant. and self-agreement quadrant has sense’s self-body function. 


Fourth quadrant is confirmation quadrant, is testament of self-quadrant (i.e., the third quadrant), can prove third quadrant; it verifies third quadrant, so third quadrant gains confidence and enlightenment. Fourth quadrant is the projector, relates to object, so it doesn’t need verification, is present quanta only.


Ancients used tailor measuring cloth to explain the four quadrants. Cloth is the being measured, is phenomenal quadrant. Ruler measuring cloth is view quadrant. The measured result is the third quadrant. After the measurement, tailor verifies the result and the progress, what the fourth quadrant is. The third quadrant gains confidence from the fourth.


If we fold the rear three juristic quadrants into the second quadrant, then law has two sections: phenomenal quadrant and view quadrant. In Vedism, first quadrant (phenomenal branch) is called “color”, is equivalent to material side of substance; second quadrant (view branch) is called name, is equivalent to spiritual side of substance.


Six roots and six dusts are 12 growth places of life tree, are twelve growing points of the plant (refers to illustration). 


六根 Six Inner Growth Places 





The root means “reason”, cause, and the ability to produce when they meet suitable environments. The called six inner roots are: 

(1) eye root, is that who can see colors, because it meets colors, can give birth to eye-senses, so it is called the eye-root.

(2) ear root, is that who can hear sounds, because it meets sounds, can produce ear-senses, so it is called ear-root.

(3) nose root, is that who can smell fragrance, when nose-root meets fragrance, nose-senses appear, so it is called nose-root.





(4) tongue root, is the one who can taste the taste, because when it meets suitable environment, is able to perceive the taste and produce tongue-senses, so it is called the root of the tongue.

(5) body root, is capable to perceive touches; when it is touched, can generate body-senses, so it is called as root of the body.

(6) intent root, modern psychology calls it preconscious; when it meets laws, intent-senses (i.e., consciousness) appear, so it is called as intent root or “juristic place”.

The six inner roots also have alias of “six receptionists”, “six entrants”, “six places”, etc.

六尘Six Outer Growth Places 





What contacting the six roots are the six kinds of dusts: color, sound, incense, taste, touch, and law. Dust means contamination because they can pollute sentient feelings. The sayings of six dusts:

(1) color, refers to what the eye sees, such as bright, dark, etc. substantial hindrances; since it contaminates eye-senses, so it is called color dust.

(2) sound, refers to what the ear hears, such as movement, stillness, beauty and evil, etc., because it can pollute the ears, so it is called sound dust.

(3) fragrance, refers to what is smelled by the nose, such as a stuffy smell, etc., which can contaminate the root of the nose, so it is called incense dust.





(4) taste, refers to what the tongue tastes, such as salty, mild, sweet, and pungent, etc., because it can pollute the root of the tongue, so it is called taste dust.

(5) touch, refers to the sensations of the body, such as separation, reunion, coldness and warmth, etc., which can pollute the roots of the body, so it is called touch dust.

(6) law, refers to what is known by the mind, such as birth and death, good and evil, etc., which can pollute the root of intent (i.e., preconscious), so it is called juristic dust.

The six dusts also have the names of six desires, six enterers, six places, six environments, and six thieves, etc.

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