BBC Documentary

作者:cstar  于 2011-3-17 17:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


    BBC - 50 Years Of BBC News.2004 BBC风云五十年 
    BBC - A History of Britain.2002 大不列颠史1-15 
    BBC - A Short History of Tall Buildings.2005 高楼短史1-3 
    BBC - A Walking With Dinosaurs Special-Allosaurs 与恐龙同行特辑-异特龙之谜 
    BBC - A Walking with Dinosaurs Special-Land of Giants 与恐龙同行特辑-巨龙国度 
    BBC - A Walking with Dinosaurs Special- The Giant Claw 与恐龙同行特辑-镰刀龙秘史 
    BBC - A Walking with Dinosaurs Trilogy-Sea Monsters 与恐龙同行三部曲-海底霸王 
    BBC - Abroad Again in Britain 重游英伦 
    BBC - After the War Conquering Germany 挺进德国 
    BBC - Alien Empire.1995 昆虫帝国1-6 
    BBC - Amazon Abyss 亚马逊深渊 
    BBC - Ancient Apocalypse.2001 古代启示录1-4 
    BBC - Ancient Voices.2003 远古的回响1-11 
    BBC - Animal Camera 动物摄影机 
    BBC - Animal Battlefield.2002 动物杀戮战场1-4 
    BBC - Animal Games 动物奥运会 
    BBC - Ape-Man.2000 人类起源1-6 
    BBC - Around The World In 80 Treasures 世界八十宝藏1-10 
    BBC - Art Collection.2003 艺术精选系列1-5 
    BBC - Ascent of Man 人类进化史 
    BBC - Attenborough in Paradise.2004 大卫艾登堡漫游天堂1-7 
    BBC - Battle of the Sexes in the Animal World 雌雄爭霸戰1-6 
    BBC - Battlefields 杀戮战场 
    BBC - Battlefield Britain 英伦战场 
    BBC - Bible Mysteries 圣经解码 
    BBC - Bill Bryson: Notes From a Small Island 1999 英伦游记 
    BBC - Blood And Flowers-In Search Of The Aztecs 寻找阿兹特克人 
    BBC - Brain story.2001 脑海漫游1-6 
    BBC - British Isles-A Natural History 大不列颠群岛的自然史 
    BBC - Burma-The Forgotten War.2004 缅甸-被遗忘的战争 
    BBC - Cambridge Spies 剑桥风云 
    BBC - Chased By Sea Monsters 与海怪同行 
    BBC - Coast 英国海岸 
    BBC - Colosseum.2003 羅馬競技場 
    BBC - Congo 刚果 
    BBC - Connections.1978 文明的纽带1-10 
    BBC - Cousins 人类亲缘 
    BBC - D-Day 6.6.1944 诺曼底登陆日 
    BBC - D-Day to Berlin 从诺曼底到柏林 
    BBC - Days That Shook The World.2003 惊世一刻Ⅱ1-10 
    BBC - Deep Blue 深蓝 
    BBC - Deep Jungle 
    BBC - Dolphins-Deep Thinkers.2003 聪明的海豚 
    BBC - Dragons Alive.2004 现代恐龙 
    BBC - Dunkirk 敦克尔克大撤退 
    BBC - Earth Story.1998 地球形成的故事1-8 
    BBC - Earth Ride 地球水之旅1-8 
    BBC - Egypt 古埃及秘史 
    BBC - Great Wildlife Moments野生动物的精彩瞬间 
    BBC - Heroes Of World War II 二战英豪 
    BBC - Hiroshima.2005 广岛 
    BBC - Horizon 视野 
    BBC - Horizon-Ice Mummies视野-冰川木乃伊 
    BBC - Horizon-Saturn 视野-土星 
    BBC - Horizon-The Lost Pyramids Of Caral视野-被遗忘的秘鲁卡拉尔金字塔 
    BBC - Horror in the East.2001 战栗东方1-2 
    BBC - How Art Made The World 艺术创造世界 
    BBC - How to Be A Prince 王子之路 
    BBC - How to Build A Human 复制新人类 
    BBC - How to Start Your Own Country 我建立了一个国家 
    BBC - Human Instinct.2002 人类本能1-4 
    BBC - Human Senses 人类感官 
    BBC - Icemen 极地探险者 
    BBC - Iguanas-living like dinosaurs 鬣蜥-活着的恐龙 
    BBC - In Search of Shakespeare 追忆莎士比亚 
    BBC - In Search Of The Trojan War 寻找特洛伊战争 
    BBC - In Search Of Myths And Heroes 寻找神话和英雄 
    BBC - In The Footsteps Of Alexander The Great.2005 跟随亚历山大大帝 
    BBC - In the Wild.1998.绿野星踪-动物系列 
    BBC - Incredible Journey 奇妙的旅程1-6 
    BBC - Jonathan Miller\'s Brief History of Disbelief 历史疑点 
    BBC - Journey of Life 生命之旅 
    BBC - Journeys to the Bottom of the Sea 海底之旅 
    BBC - Jungle.2003 丛林探险1-3 
    BBC - Kenneth Clark\'s Civilisation 
    BBC - Killing For A Living 为生存而杀戮1-13 
    BBC - Kingdom Of The Ice Bear 北极熊国度 
    BBC - Land of the Tiger 虎的王国 
    BBC - LAuschwitz-The Nazis and the Final Solution 2005 奥斯威辛-纳粹党与最终方案 
    BBC - Leonardo da vinci.2003 达芬奇1-3 
    BBC - Life in the Freezer.1993 冰雪的童话 
    BBC - Life in the Undergrowth.2005 灌丛下的生命 
    BBC - Life on earth 生命的进化1-13 
    BBC - Lifesense 生命感官1-3 
    BBC - Living Britain活力英伦 
    BBC - Lost Civilization 失落的文明 
    BBC - Lost Worlds Vanished Lives.1989 消逝的生物 
    BBC - Massive Nature 群体大自然 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Around The World In 80 Days.1989 八十天环游地球1-7 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Full Circle.1997 环球旅行1-10 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Hemingway Adventure.1999 海明威式历险记1-8 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Himalaya.2004 喜马拉雅之旅1-6 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Pole to Pole.1992 极地之旅1-8 
    BBC - Michael Palin-Sahara.2002 撒哈拉大漠之旅1-4 
    BBC - Monarchy 君主政体 
    BBC - Monsters We Met.2003 遭遇怪物1-3 
    BBC - Natural World-Secrets of the Maya Underworld 玛雅之谜 
    BBC - Nightmares Of Nature 自然界的恶魔 
    BBC - Nile.2004 尼罗河 
    BBC - Noah and the Great Flood.2003 诺亚方舟 
    BBC - Phobias 恐惧大家谈 
    BBC - Play Like Champions 曼聯冠軍秘技 
    BBC - Pompeii-The Last Day.2003 庞贝古城-最后的一天 
    BBC - Pope John Paul II-Builder of Bridges 教宗约翰保罗二世 
    BBC - Power of Nightmares-The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear 恶梦的力量-惊恐政治的冒起 
    BBC - Predators 掠夺者 
    BBC - Prehistoric America 史前美洲 
    BBC - Pride 狮路历程 
    BBC - Pyramid.2002 金字塔 
    BBC - Saint Paul.2003 门徒保罗 
    BBC - Seven Wonders of the Industrial World 七大工业奇迹 
    BBC - Son of God.2001 上帝之子耶稣基督1-3 
    BBC - Space Odyssey 星际漫游 
    BBC - Space.2001 宇宙无限1-6 
    BBC - Space Race 太空竞赛 
    BBC - State of the Planet.2000 大地的声音1-3 
    BBC - Stephen Hawking\'s Universe.1997 霍金的宇宙1-6 
    BBC - Super Human.2001 超级人类1-6 
    BBC - Supernatural.1999 超自然力量1-6 
    BBC - Supernatural Science 超自然科学 
    BBC - Supersense 动物超感官1-3 
    BBC - Supervolcano 超级火山-真正末日 
    BBC - The Abyss 海底深渊 
    BBC - The Ascent of Man 人类的攀升-科学进化史 
    BBC - The Battle of the Atlantic.2002 大西洋之战1-3 
    BBC - The Blue Planet.2001 蓝色星球1-10 
    BBC - The Day the Universe Changed 变化的每一天 
    BBC - The Divine Michelangelo.2004 米开朗基罗1-2 
    BBC - The Genius of Mozart 莫扎特传 
    BBC - The Great War 伟大的战争 
    BBC - The Human Animal 人这种动物 
    BBC - The Human Body.1998 人体漫游1-7 
    BBC - The Human Face 五官奧妙1-4 
    BBC - The Human Mind.2003 人类心智1-3 
    BBC - The Immortal Emperor 不朽的帝王 
    BBC - The Last Tommy 最后的英军 
    BBC - The Life Of Birds.1998 飞禽传1-10 
    BBC - The Life Of Buddha.2001 成佛之路 
    BBC - The Life Of Mammals.2002 哺乳类全传1-10 
    BBC - The Living Planet.1984 活力星球 
    BBC - The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon失落的世界 
    BBC - The Natural World 自然界 
    BBC - The Nazis-A Warning From History 纳粹警示录 
    BBC - The Planets.1998 日月星宿1-8 
    BBC - The Private Life of Plants.1995 植物私生活1-6 
    BBC - The Road to War.1989 战争之路1-4 
    BBC - The Story of God 众神传 
    BBC - The Trials of Live.1990 生命的考验1-12 
    BBC - Time Machine.2004 时间机器1-3 
    BBC - Time Watch-Forgotten Heroes 时代瞭望-无名英雄 
    BBC - Tribe 部落探奇 
    BBC - Tribes of the Amazon亚马逊部落 
    BBC - Ultimate Killers 终极杀手1-6 
    BBC - Walking with Dinosaurs.1999 与恐龙同行1-6 
    BBC - Walking with Beasts 与猛兽同行 
    BBC - Walking With Beasts Special-Triumph Of The Beasts 与野兽同行特辑-野兽的胜利 
    BBC - Walking With Beasts Special-The Beasts Within 与野兽同行特辑-心中的野兽 
    BBC - Walking With Cavemen.2003 与远古人同行1-4 
    BBC - War of the Century 世纪大战-二战欧洲东线纪实 
    BBC - Weird Nature 灵趣自然 
    BBC - Wild Africa.2004 野性非洲1-6 
    BBC - Wild And Dangerous 野性与危险1-6 
    BBC - Wild Australasia.2003 野性澳洲1-6 
    BBC - Wild Europe.2005 欧洲自然写真1-4 
    BBC - Wild Indonesia.1999 野性印尼1-3 
    BBC - Wild New World 野性新世界 
    BBC - Wildlife On One 目击野生动物 
    BBC - Wildlife On Two 再见野生动物 
    BBC - Wild South America.2002 野性南美洲1-6 
    BBC - Wild Weather.2002 天有风云1-4 
    BBC - Wildlife Specials.1997 野生生物特辑 
    BBC - What The World Thinks Of God 人们心中的上帝 
    BBC - What The Ancients Did For Us 古代人的贡献 
    BBC - What The Romans Did For Us 古罗马人的贡献 
    BBC - What The Victorian Did For Us 维多利亚人的贡献 
    BBC - What The Tudors Did For Us都铎人的贡献 
    BBC - What The Stuarts Did For Us 斯图亚特人的贡献 









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