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0 回复 举报 [ 34楼 正常发布 ] 发表于 2015-8-5 07:13
26楼 游客(99.101.x.x): After some preliminary research, I realized that this discovery is not of too important anyway.  The so-called "mass-less electron" is nothing but a wave resonance effect of the orbiting electrons in a crystal.  There are many similar discoveries that have the same root.  For example, Stanford Zhi-xun's 2014 proposed a new material (CdAs) for IC connection wire which is also based on the so-called "mass-less electron" of the same principle. This discovery will help to shrink IC size and reduce power, but for quantum computing, there is nothing particular fit yet.
0 回复 举报 [ 33楼 游客 (99.102.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-8-2 04:23
28楼 游客(99.101.x.x): It seems both teams were coordinated to play a game.
0 回复 举报 [ 32楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-8-1 01:59
29楼 游客(99.101.x.x): Monopole? you can only say "as if".
0 回复 举报 [ 31楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-8-1 01:58
26楼 游客(99.101.x.x): After some preliminary research, I realized that this discovery is not of too much importance anyway.  The so-called "mass-less electron" is nothing but a wave resonance effect of the orbiting electrons in a crystal.  There are many similar discoveries that have the same root.  For example, Stanford Zhi-xun's 2014 proposed a new material (CdAs) for IC connection wire which is also based on the so-called "mass-less electron" of the same principle. This discovery will help to shrink IC size and reduce power, but for quantum computing, there is nothing particularly fit yet.
0 回复 举报 [ 30楼 游客 (129.7.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-8-1 00:07
0 回复 举报 [ 29楼 游客 (99.101.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-31 08:27
Monopole? you can only say "as if".
0 回复 举报 [ 28楼 游客 (99.101.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-31 07:04
It seems both teams were coordinated to play a game.
0 回复 举报 [ 27楼 游客 (99.101.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-31 07:02
17楼 游客(99.105.x.x): If that is the reason, then I have no sympathy for them.  They should lose for them to learn a lesson.
0 回复 举报 [ 26楼 游客 (99.101.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-31 07:00
After some preliminary research, I realized that this discovery is not of too important anyway.  The so-called "mass-less electron" is nothing but a wave resonance effect of the orbiting electrons in a crystal.  There are many similar discoveries that have the same root.  For example, Stanford Zhi-xun's 2014 proposed a new material (CdAs) for IC connection wire which is also based on the so-called "mass-less electron" of the same principle. This discovery will help to shrink IC size and reduce power, but for quantum computing, there is nothing particular fit yet.
0 回复 举报 [ 25楼 游客 (24.23.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-30 04:26
12楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 在美国发表文章也需要关系的。
0 回复 举报 [ 24楼 游客 (76.102.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 23:22
12楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 在美国发表文章也需要关系的。
0 回复 举报 [ 23楼 游客 (76.102.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 23:17
19楼 游客(99.105.x.x): American first that is always the rule of thumb, but of course.
0 回复 举报 [ 22楼 游客 (54.69.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 19:55
12楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 在美国发表文章也需要关系的。
张益唐跟谁有关系? 你说的是美国的华人小报也许还靠点谱
0 回复 举报 [ 21楼 游客 (72.219.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 19:17
2楼 游客(64.180.x.x): 中科院用钱收买了在美国做实验的中国人!
0 回复 举报 [ 20楼 游客 (71.80.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 15:20
17楼 游客(99.105.x.x): If that is the reason, then I have no sympathy on them.  They should lose for them to learn a lessen.
0 回复 举报 [ 19楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 14:14
12楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 在美国发表文章也需要关系的。
American first that is always the rule of thumb, but of course.
0 回复 举报 [ 18楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 14:01
14楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 现在崇洋媚外严重。在国内期刊发了,还能在海外发表吗
Of course they can still publish it international with minor revision.
0 回复 举报 [ 17楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 13:59
15楼 游客(160.3.x.x): 你在Science上发表一篇文章能得到的好处(我说的是从学校、单位得到的好处),不是国内期刊文章能比的
If that is the reason, then I have no sympathy on them.  They should lose for them to learn a lessen.
0 回复 举报 [ 16楼 游客 (99.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 13:57
4楼 游客(66.87.x.x): 不会在自己的刊物上先发表?祟洋过分了。论文有内容谁都会承认。
That is the root issue!  Why Chinese look down upon themselves?
0 回复 举报 [ 15楼 游客 (160.3.x.x) ] 发表于 2015-7-29 12:36
13楼 游客(115.134.x.x): 中科院自己没有期刊吗?为什么不自己先发表?

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