34楼 游客(24.60.x.x): you have no answer to a message or ability to defend or deba...
33楼 游客(24.60.x.x): Not afraid to admit it either. This will not stop me! Only s...
32楼 游客(24.60.x.x): That is your lot good at. Picking on other's failings withou...
29楼 游客(97.70.x.x): 还是用中文吧。你的英文狗屁不通。...
27楼 游客(24.60.x.x): Those guys themselves are no different from those celebrate...
27楼 游客(24.60.x.x): Those guys themselves are no different from those celebrate...
17楼 游客(64.229.x.x): 你宇宙最牛逼的“两个超音速六代隐身轰炸机”,难道不应该先解救...
22楼 游客(23.123.x.x): 电诈分子与祖国心连心,同呼吸共命运,祝祖国繁荣昌盛。祖国越强...
15楼 游客(184.151.x.x): 中国大陆的两个超音速六代隐身轰炸机,是用来消灭骗子岛上的绿蛤...
19楼 游客(64.229.x.x): 15楼 这时候你越是强调你的“强大”,就越是打你政府...
15楼 游客(184.151.x.x): 中国大陆的两个超音速六代隐身轰炸机,是用来消灭骗子岛上的绿蛤...