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nancyzhang: 国际组织冻结上亿美元对华抗艾援助,因为不认同中国对所获援助资金的管理方式。 谁打了小报告说有贪污现象?
  • snortbsd: no, it was not about 贪污现象. it is about power plays. technically, the money donors should be able to choose organizations in charge of distributions, usually designated NGOs... (5-30 01:18)
  • snortbsd: that's why some of poor countries are practically run by some powerful NGOs. those NGOs are tightly tied up with the money donors (usually governments)... (5-30 01:20)
  • nancyzhang: always power plays. 监管不了就有漏洞,不说贪污,说得好听点就是钱没花在该花的地方? (5-30 01:51)
  • snortbsd: where is this 小报告说有贪污现象??? we chinese tend to be presumptuous.... (5-30 01:58)
  • snortbsd: 中方与“全球基金”的分歧主要是对“社会组织”的定义不同,中方对“社会组织”的认定是遵照民政部的相关标准执行的,自去年下半年以来,双方多次就此事进行讨论,但一直没有结果,近期双方还将就此进行协商。 (5-30 01:58)
  • snortbsd: what is 贪污? corruptions? in the laws of the west, there is no place for such term. "corruption" is sensational term for media and uneducated mass. (5-30 02:03)
  • snortbsd: it captures attention for sales of news, or stirs up emotion of ignorant masses. it doesn't hold any water in any professional courts (most of chinese courts are not run by professionals).. (5-30 02:05)
  • nancyzhang: 同意‘贪污腐败’一词用得太广, 不知道被枪毙的大贪污犯王守信,她自己有没有外国银行存款? (5-30 04:43)
  • snortbsd: just googled that 王守信. really it doesn't matter she 没有外国银行存款. she wasn't convicted by 外国银行存款. do you have 外国银行存款??? i do. does that make me a criminal? (5-30 04:59)
  • nancyzhang: Who are you? young man/woman? You missed the point,  找人打架?恕不奉陪。I can see how much you know and your personality from your tone of voice. I will leave you with somebody else, Good-bye! (5-30 10:32)
  • snortbsd: wow, tone of voice?.. (5-30 10:41)
2011-5-29 20:04 回复|

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