夫妻吵架, 最好不要“胡说八道”

作者:goodoctor  于 2010-5-16 09:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 snortbsd 2010-5-17 03:28
well, i think most of people here didn't get your messages...
2 回复 在美一方 2010-5-17 03:32
snortbsd: well, i think most of people here didn't get your messages...
I think his take-home message is clear ah. do not say to others that you wanna kill yourself, that's it.
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-5-17 04:19
在美一方: I think his take-home message is clear ah. do not say to others that you wanna kill yourself, that's it.
well, well....

i think chinese couples tend to use heavy words to hurt each other when they have fights. guess that the way chinese culture runs, let emotion loose...

the underline of the messages that goodoctor tried to send is that, in the states, for adults, you are legally liable for whatever you have said, not just what you have done; it doesn't matter on what circumstances are....

as my limited experiences in the states told me, knowing not what to say is far more important than knowing what to say. the former are the bottom lines that get yourself protected from the laws, the latter only makes differences in terms of how to present yourself to others...
1 回复 在美一方 2010-5-17 04:22
snortbsd: well, well....

i think chinese couples tend to use heavy words to hurt each other when they have fights. guess that the way chinese culture runs, le
right, that's why there is this TV program "what NOT to wear"
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-5-17 04:31
在美一方: right, that's why there is this TV program "what NOT to wear"
honestly i think the commercial sucked as hell...

maybe i am just not used to this chinese way of fighting... make zero sense to me...
2 回复 陈营 2010-5-17 04:35
在美国夫妻吵架, 最好不要“胡说八道”

1 回复 在美一方 2010-5-17 04:35
snortbsd: honestly i think the commercial sucked as hell...

maybe i am just not used to this chinese way of fighting... make zero sense to me...
well, makes some senses or even perfect senses to many people, coz they put relationship/marriage as their entire life, they devote to it and think they deserve getting the most of it, and actually, drain completely their relationship to be a fragile shell, though probably decorated with some nice color
1 回复 人权是非 2010-5-17 09:14
1 回复 xqw63 2010-5-17 12:24
2 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:33
xqw63: 老美很幼稚哦
2 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:33
在美一方: I think his take-home message is clear ah. do not say to others that you wanna kill yourself, that's it.
that is exactly what I want to say.
2 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:35
ahehe: 张艺谋的创意不乍样.
no body like this  commercial
I am going to remove it......
2 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:37
人权是非: 帐单来了就再叫活不下去了,还要自杀,再住院,再叫自杀,....看谁硬!
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:38
十三大爷: Yeah, except they don't stop when you step on the accelerator padel
you mean brake...

I have removed this commercial.
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:38
homepeace: 好文!
2 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:39
nnzzll: 谢谢提醒。确实,即使是女性,也不应该总是感情用事。有时候,事实并不是想象的那样糟。尽量冷静,不能冷静,‘就先数30下’--在一本书上看到的。
maybe 60s
1 回复 goodoctor 2010-5-17 12:40
Lingli: 想一想,人人都有笑不出来的时候。 在单位,别人的好坏脸都得笑。 回到家,需要舐添伤口。多理解就好了。
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-5-17 13:21
goodoctor: you mean brake...

I have removed this commercial.
No, most Toyota victims found their cars don't stop after stepping on accelerator.
1 回复 winddrift 2010-5-17 14:03
2 回复 winddrift 2010-5-17 14:05
goodoctor: 当初在纽约的时候,圣诞节前,医院忙得不易乐乎,里面可有不少“假抑郁”啊。
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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