
作者:xoyuanfen  于 2009-6-18 09:59 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 03:51
newyorker92: http://www.michigan.gov/ag/0,1607,7-164-19441-51368--,00.html
hhmm, thanks.

why do i need that?
回复 newyorker92 2009-6-19 03:54
snortbsd: hhmm, thanks.

why do i need that?
just in case!
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-19 04:15
snortbsd: no, fighting law suit is a battle. you gotta be determined and resolute, even to the point being mean, if you have to. of course it is time consuming
现在还有点后悔, 是不是当初不该打这官司, 那样我对祖国的感觉还好些。
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-19 04:16
卫灵: depressed. 知道是现实,还是很难过。
回复 newyorker92 2009-6-19 04:16
I am not a lawyer.  Personally I have been to small court several times.  I feel the judges are impartial.
Other times, if I have issue with credit card comapny, I will file a complaint through consume affairs first.  If nothing happens, then I will contact Attorney General's Office where the company conducts business.  Then if I have issue with telephone comapny, I will file a complaint through FCC first, normally the phone company will contact me within one week and give me the refund.  
I learned a lot from my American colleagues.  So if you have any good friend work with, always ask if you have some issues you think maybe they know more than you do.
回复 newyorker92 2009-6-19 04:19
If this is a true story that happened to me, I will go to the Chinese Consulate Office to protest.
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-19 04:23
桑儿: 很明显地这个表姐没有上次那个表姐有韧劲~~~
要是有韧劲也上访去, 我想会赢的。
回复 toisanwu 2009-6-19 04:36
light12: 你外行了。我认识一家人到乡下买了块地出租。结果承租人变更地契成了他的地。地方法院判承租人赢。这家人正为找侓师的钱发愁呢。最高法院门都没有?
This sounds almost impossible in today's society.  The renter cannot change the deed because he has no deed to change to begin with!  When you rent out something,  you do not need to give the deed to the renter.
回复 sam333 2009-6-19 04:45
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 04:48
toisanwu: This sounds almost impossible in today's society.  The renter cannot change the deed because he has no deed to change to begin with!  When you rent o
have you heard of a phrase "small prints"? those little, tiny notes on the bottom or corner of a lot of leg documents? those notes would give you worst bites and hurt you the most...

maybe the original owner missed that and lost that legal battle...
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 04:53
xoyuanfen: 现在还有点后悔, 是不是当初不该打这官司, 那样我对祖国的感觉还好些。
well, you should. find a rep in china and make a deal to share the profit with him/her. get a good lawyer and get the bottom of the case.

the 99% of the brain of lawyers are occupied by two things: green $$$ and naked girlfriends (not wives). without the greens, they wouldn't be able to function...
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 04:59
sam333: 在国内人情大于法!
well, i think most of "judges", "lawyers" and cops in china don't know too much the code of laws, let alone to understand the essence of the law.

that is why my advice is that you should not hire lawyers from those third world countries, in general (of course, everything has exception).
回复 toisanwu 2009-6-19 04:59
snortbsd: have you heard of a phrase "small prints"? those little, tiny notes on the bottom or corner of a lot of leg documents? those notes would gi
We all got screwed one way or another by those small prints, but how on earth could you change a deed that you don't have?

When you purchase a property, such as a house or a farm, the deed specifies you are the legal owner.  This deed should be stored away in a safety box or somewhere safe.  You just don't give it out to anyone, including the renter.
回复 toisanwu 2009-6-19 05:00
newyorker92: If this is a true story that happened to me, I will go to the Chinese Consulate Office to protest.
How, by holding a protesting card and walking in front of the embassy like the FLG?
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 05:03
toisanwu: We all got screwed one way or another by those small prints, but how on earth could you change a deed that you don't have?

When you purchase a prope
well, say. the small prints state that you would own the house as long as you live in it. you would lose the ownership if you don't live in it for a certain length of time or you use it as rental property...
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 05:05
孤舟独钓: "in the sates, ilaw suit is the game of playing the code of laws."
well, sometimes you have to fight for the battle for the sake of it...
回复 toisanwu 2009-6-19 05:10
snortbsd: well, say. the small prints state that you would own the house as long as you live in it. you would lose the ownership if you don't live in it for a
I have never seen any deed, at least in Canada, that have those exceptions.  However, I don't live in the States so I stand corrected if they have that.

There is, though, a squatting right, which specifies that you could lose the land you thought you owned, partially or completely,  to someone(s) who has effective and sole control or use over it for a period of 50 years or longer.

There is a case in which a neighbour successfully got the court to transfer ownership of a piece of land that he has used to get access to the lake water for the past 50 years.  The original owner initially let the neighbour did that out of good will.  The original owner is now appealing the court decision.
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 05:13
toisanwu: I have never seen any deed, at least in Canada, that have those exceptions.  However, I don't live in the States so I stand corrected if they have th
well, i made that up, just for the possibility....

i don't know  the case and i am not lawyer. but i do know the world is not flat. at least not any more...
回复 toisanwu 2009-6-19 05:21
snortbsd: well, i made that up, just for the possibility....

i don't know  the case and i am not lawyer. but i do know the world is not flat. at least not any
Good grace, you got my legs pulled pretty well.  For a sec, I almost thought you were a lawyer.  Also, I am no lawyer and could never understand a contract.
回复 snortbsd 2009-6-19 05:33
toisanwu: Good grace, you got my legs pulled pretty well.  For a sec, I almost thought you were a lawyer.  Also, I am no lawyer and could never understand a co

sorry if you were misled to think that way. i didn't intentionally put the noddles on your ears (russian saying for "pulling one's legs")...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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