
作者:felix2005200  于 2011-3-5 01:37 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 felix2005200 2011-3-6 00:53
meistersinger: 品头论足不要钱。
1 回复 opa900 2011-3-6 02:46
尖儿妈: 谢谢分享,Anna Netrebko is way overrated. She's pretty tho.
也许因为她红得太快,太性感,有时在台上太活泼。并且她来自俄罗斯。有些西方人心中不服,YOUTUBE里可以看出。她唱得好是无法否认的。她本来就是个BIG GIRL,以后可能会更胖。唱歌剧的需要自带大共鸣箱。
1 回复 红妹子 2011-3-6 05:09
2 回复 felix2005200 2011-3-6 05:43
红妹子: 正在分享时下的狂欢大餐呢,大人小孩都有份。
昨天的Mainz狂欢节节目里学会一句话:Was du heute kannst entkorken, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. (entkorken 打开<酒>瓶塞)
原来的谚语是:Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen. 今天能办的事,不要拖到明天。
2 回复 felix2005200 2011-3-6 06:24
opa900: 也许因为她红得太快,太性感,有时在台上太活泼。并且她来自俄罗斯。有些西方人心中不服,YOUTUBE里可以看出。她唱得好是无法否认的。她本来就是个BIG GIRL,以后 ...
1 回复 尖儿妈 2011-3-6 16:13
opa900: 也许因为她红得太快,太性感,有时在台上太活泼。并且她来自俄罗斯。有些西方人心中不服,YOUTUBE里可以看出。她唱得好是无法否认的。她本来就是个BIG GIRL,以后 ...
并不一定的,Sumi Jo, one of the best coloratura sporano in the international stage is a tiny Korean lady. I saw her live. She has one of the best technique and her voice is clear and rich. It's a mis-conception that all opera singers have to be like Cabelle. Many singers are small-build. Netrebko's problem is that she mis-used her god-given talent and is not technically sound.
1 回复 尖儿妈 2011-3-6 16:19
meistersinger: She is very good in Russian operas. Many years ago,before she was a household name (sort of),  I saw her at SF opera in The Czar's Bride. I thought sh ...
I really don't mind 俄国大妈. I do think she sounded better before than now. She is not careful with her roles and she's lacking in technique. Her voice is definitely gorgeous but she's put it way in the throat (back) to make it sound darker than it is. She already has a darker tone and doesn't need to force it more so. Bel Canto is not as labored. She also can't sing coloratura and a few of her recordings of this type is really bloody murder for a singer of her statue. I think regardless of what a good singer you are, there's a certain repertoire that is suitable for your voice type. If you try to make yourself one to fit every glove, you end up fitting none. I hope she realizes this and improve her technique and do what she does best and not everything just so-so.
2 回复 xyyh62 2011-3-7 00:38
1 回复 opa900 2011-3-7 01:06
If she can achieve whatever she has achieved so far without being “technically sound”, who cares. There is no one size fit all technology. Her technology is the best one to fit herself. Even she looks or will look like a “俄国大妈”, she is a pretty “俄国大妈”.   

See Wikipedia for her awards.  Time magazine placed her on its Time 100 list in 2007.[12] She was identified by the journal Musical America as &quot;a genuine superstar for the 21st century&quot; and was named 'Musician of the Year' for 2008.[13] She has also been described by Associated Press as &quot;the reigning new diva of the 21st century&quot;.

She was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2004)[14] and was made a People's Artist of Russia by President Putin in 2008.

Playboy magazine placed her in their &quot;sexiest babes of classical music list.[15]

Netrebko has also won two prestigious Classical BRIT Awards: the 2007 Singer of the Year Award and the 2008 Female of the Year.

Need to say more?
2 回复 meistersinger 2011-3-7 02:08
尖儿妈: I really don't mind 俄国大妈. I do think she sounded better before than now. She is not careful with her roles and she's lacking in technique. Her voi ...
You are right about the darker voice. I think the back throat technique is more related the Russian training than anything else. Fully agree with the Bel Canto comment. Now a days, many  singers sing roles completely out side of their fach. Perhaps it is because opportunities are hard to come by, and they grasp anything that comes along. The modern audience is also less demanding. This also encourages out-of-fach singsing. The third things is that singing in front of a microphone is very different from singing at the Met. To a certain extent, you can hide a flawed technique while singing at a smaller volume. CDs are where singers make most their money, so ...
Very nice to know you.
2 回复 qxw66 2011-3-7 02:24
felix2005200: 你的猜测没有根据吧?! 这舞会的门票相当贵, 今年的票价从230欧元的入场券到17000欧元的包厢票不等。
1 回复 xkx 2011-3-7 07:05
2 回复 尖儿妈 2011-3-7 12:53
meistersinger: You are right about the darker voice. I think the back throat technique is more related the Russian training than anything else. Fully agree with the  ...
I am also happy to know someone like you that I can communicate well with in terms of operatic singing. I agree with probably all of your comments. Yes, one's voice is only tested in a big auditorium, not in small spaces, certainly not in a recording studio. I also commented on another thread the perception of the necessity of opera singers being big so as to have the big speaker effect. That's a misunderstanding. One of the best and foremost tenors of the operatic world the Master Caruso is not a big person. He was also told at an earlier age that he couldn't sing by teachers and physicians since he's lacking certain physique!

I am happy there are people that are into this dying but hauntingly beautiful art form. I hope more people are involved to preserve the beauty of natural singing and one day we'll see a renaissance of this beautiful art. I am not against commercial singing but I think the general audience lacks the ability to appreciate classical music/singing. For now I am resorting to all of the wonderful singers of the past (sorry mostly sopranos) - Callas, Cabelle, Tebaldi, Sutherland (earlier stage), Sills, Freni, Kanawa, etc.... The new singers are just not of the same caliber. I do like a few - Sumi Jo, Renee Fleming (very good musician but a little throaty for my taste), Bartoli.

Good night.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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