
作者:janelee719  于 2009-2-28 01:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 mgoo 2009-2-28 06:14
janelee719: 谢谢您的回贴。
专利, a selfish product, it was not there before, I hope it won’t be there in the future. When we look back the civilization history, which was very bloody, western civilization is just a short period of human history so far, we don’t need to disgrace Chinese people, even they have many things to improve, just because we are humans, no one is perfect.
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 07:16
mgoo: 专利, a selfish product, it was not there before, I hope it won’t be there in the future. When we look back the civilization history, which was very
Thanks for your reading agian.
Well, anything has double sides. Even at this e-time, the patent is getting more developed, it won't be gone as your wish, but will be more flooded.

I have no mean to disgrace my own nation, how and why would I? I just want to try to figure out. I did not start talk anything about westner yet, you'll see one day.  For the sake of  not be perfect, we need to pursue how to be perfect!
1 回复 mgoo 2009-2-28 08:02
No one is perfect in this world, never happen. Even we try, people are still suffering, if everyone practices "Love your neighbor as yourself" as Bible said, the world will be peaceful.
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 08:21
mgoo: No one is perfect in this world, never happen. Even we try, people are still suffering, if everyone practices "Love your neighbor as yourself&qu
The reason why we suffer? We want to be treated as perfect and we did not get it!.
1 回复 mgoo 2009-2-28 08:28
janelee719: The reason why we suffer? We want to be treated as perfect and we did not get it!.
Right, it is difficult, Jesus rescued the world two thousand years ago, people still suffering. I can't find the answer.
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 08:30
mgoo: Right, it is difficult, Jesus rescued the world two thousand years ago, people still suffering. I can't find the answer.
Neither do I.
1 回复 inor12 2009-2-28 10:34
继承习惯与专利保护,  还真不一样.  在与西人交往中, 他们对冲淡比较敏感, 喜欢比较专心, 有时硬性切割.
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 10:37
inor12: 继承习惯与专利保护,  还真不一样.  在与西人交往中, 他们对冲淡比较敏感, 喜欢比较专心, 有时硬性切割.
1 回复 inor12 2009-2-28 10:43
也是.  就是中间地带比较窄.  不象我, 总是有点犹豫不决.
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 10:47
inor12: 也是.  就是中间地带比较窄.  不象我, 总是有点犹豫不决.
1 回复 inor12 2009-2-28 10:53
就怕买了, 犹豫着该不该卖哦
1 回复 janelee719 2009-2-28 10:56
inor12: 就怕买了, 犹豫着该不该卖哦

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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