
作者:伊兰泓  于 2009-5-8 13:01 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 JEFFSON 2009-5-9 09:57
1 回复 千里之外 2009-5-9 10:00
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:42

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:43
千里之外: 不知道这种情况会持续多久,我孩子7月回去,转机时间可只有2小时哦

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:43
四合院的闲人: 不少朋友要回国啦!要小心哈!

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:44
borninheaven: 看来得晚些时候再回国. 万一扣个7天, 不好玩!

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:44
浪花朵朵: 真是麻烦。希望夏天的时候这件事能消停下来。

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 xinsheng 2009-5-9 10:44
三颗银杏树: 及时有用的消息,

Last night(5/6), the NYC Department of Health released a health update stating that their careful investigation of the Swine Flu outbreak in New York City did not show any evidence that this flu was more contagious or more dangerous than regular flu. Therefore, they advised hospitals that routine measures for control of seasonal flu were adequate to manage Swine Flu.
In response, hospitals have lowered their level of vigilance to the same level we maintain throughout the flu season.
1 回复 宜修 2009-5-9 11:18
你十三大爷: 有惊无险,你捡了一个便宜,你要是2003年四月回的国,出都出不来。
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:01
你十三大爷: 有惊无险,你捡了一个便宜,你要是2003年四月回的国,出都出不来。
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:02
zhuqi123: 清茶慢品。平安旅程,谨致祝福!
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:03
四合院的闲人: 不少朋友要回国啦!要小心哈!
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:03
daomeidan: CO 航班ma ?
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:03
borninheaven: 谢谢分享亲身经历!
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:04
sam333: 没事就好。
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:04
三颗银杏树: 及时有用的消息,
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:05
翰山: 谢谢分享。是从国内上的网吗?
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:05
绿水潭: 本想暑假回去的,推迟了...
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:06
路不平: 出门在外,安全第一,没事就好
1 回复 伊兰泓 2009-5-9 12:08
圣马丁: 这意味着中国还是安全区, 美国是病毒感染区。
123... 5下一页

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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