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分享 [ 其它日志 ]:From now on......
2008-9-25 12:25
From now on......
Yeah, just like my lovely moon cat and I always manage to land on my feet, no matter how hard it is. No such things as tough, there’s only trained or untrained. I want to be trained. From now on, I will make sure each time when I land, land on my own feet with a re [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|20 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:孩子把你惯坏了
2008-9-18 00:49
给挨骂了的妈妈 孩子是妈妈身上掉下来的肉,心头肉。自从宝宝来的这个世上,妈妈的爱仍然像原来的肚皮一样紧裹着心爱的孩子。妈妈的心,情无时不被孩子牵动。幼小,可爱的孩子渐渐成长,能翻,会爬,能走,会跑,脆铃似的笑声蜜似的甜到妈妈心窝。孩子围在身边的日子显得那么短,现在宝宝到年龄要走出家门一小会, [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|22 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:我想说。。。
2008-3-6 12:56
天气: 晴朗心情: 就这样 天,已经漆黑了。才想起白天是个好天气,风和日丽,却没有抬起头仰望一下那晴朗的天空,蓝蓝的天上,是否飘荡着变幻多姿的白云。 心情糟糕了,就习惯开始阅读曾经快乐轻松的日子。然而,眼眶时常湿润着,感受到一种不能言语的扎紧,沉闷和伤痛。 每当看见柔和的阳光洒满大地时,就有种要 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|2 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Incomplete Thoughts
2008-2-28 07:39
天气: 晴朗心情: 平静 BELIEVE Believe its over, Cause good things never last longer, Life could just tear you apart sometimes. LOST If there is a tender love, I would like to get lost in it; If there is a true feeling at all, I rather bear myself in it. I don’t care the world crash [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|3 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:心肠变了
2008-2-24 14:09
天气: 晴朗心情: 平静 今天厉行公事地和“道友”们共进晚餐时,才发现这是这个月来头一回吃西餐。有种久违了的感觉,谈话间便驾轻就熟地点了自己爱吃的,还吃了个精光。不但味道可口,而且对西餐的各种吃法和习惯也倍儿熟悉。虽然脑海里还不时地浮现出中餐的许多美味佳肴,但仍感到对另一种文化,习俗的享受。 看来人在外 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|4 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Survivor
2007-9-16 14:28
天气: 晴朗心情: 平静After you surviving from a disaster, you've becomesomeone else, a complete stranger to be able to put yourself back, and find the way back to your heart. You may not visualize the old you, but you could always look back in the past, it is amazing to see through life and [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|2 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:Getting Old Anyway
2007-4-14 04:35
天气: 晴转雨心情: 平静 In general, peopledon't like the idea of getting old, especially when they reach their 30's, 40's and so on. Probably, a person would grumble about it at least once every ten years when he or she enters thethe new decade. It doesn’t feel like a Happy Birthday in [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: The way I look at it|1 个评论

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