
作者:wd6364  于 2009-6-15 07:00 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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回复 wd6364 2009-6-15 10:58
618o382: 一定是你的魅力,让他上进的。
回复 marnifan 2009-6-15 12:16
暗恋如什么? 也曾死去活来
回复 wd6364 2009-6-15 13:38
marnifan: 暗恋如什么? 也曾死去活来
回复 天之涯 2009-6-15 15:17
回复 wd6364 2009-6-15 15:18
天之涯: 心底总有一抹温馨,多好~
回复 wd6364 2009-6-15 15:21
宜修: 美得让人不忍尘封......
回复 宜修 2009-6-15 21:30
wd6364: 封了总忍不住打开,好像小孩子对礼物
回复 Mir 2009-6-15 23:59
wd6364: First of all,there is a lot of things about me you donot know,nor necessary to know.Elegance is never for me.
Second of all,My infatuation on Volleyb
What make you think I am that old?

I did not kow you were in BJ. For some reason I thought you were in Shanghai. Wang Jiawei came to Shanghai, after he retired.
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 01:00
Mir: What make you think I am that old?

I did not kow you were in BJ. For some reason I thought you were in Shanghai. Wang Jiawei came to Shanghai, after
I donot recall indicating  your age/gender.Curiosity arises like sun then fall like tide.You and your annex can remain as mysterious as you wish .I am not into guessing game.
I went to S U as mentioned in my blog,it is a so called 野鸡大学never trying to hide the fact.BJ is my favorite work –place.SH is shopping paradise.Other than that ,it is so vogue.
Quick wit-u originally r from Jiangsu Province.Age 40 upwards-45 downwards
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 01:41
wd6364: I donot recall indicating  your age/gender.Curiosity arises like sun then fall like tide.You and your annex can remain as mysterious as you wish .I a
You can guess whatever you like to.
The truth is I am 20, 青涩如杏. haha.
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 01:54
Get out, you are a 烂香蕉,ME 烂桃
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 02:17
wd6364: Get out, you are a 烂香蕉,ME 烂桃
A perfect footnote for "泼妇是怎样炼成的."
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 02:18
You should take the credit for the forging .Without you I can never exert this fully
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 02:39
wd6364: You should take the credit for the forging .Without you I can never exert this fully
Take all the credit, please. Believe yourself.
You have all my trust.

Do not be shy

I believe you can fly
泼 to the new high

I believe you can fly
泼 to the whole sky
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 02:47
Very touching lyrics, unfortunately I am not your 子期(QI ZI).But please do not 断琴,cause it will make me 神伤
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 03:40
wd6364: Very touching lyrics, unfortunately I am not your 子期(QI ZI).But please do not 断琴,cause it will make me 神伤
Another way to put it, play music to cow,

or fall into deaf's ear,

or Xiu Cai Peng Dao Bing, You Li Shuo Bu Qing.
回复 marnifan 2009-6-16 03:45
wd6364: Get out, you are a 烂香蕉,ME 烂桃
回复 marnifan 2009-6-16 03:46
Mir: Another way to put it, play music to cow,

or fall into deaf's ear,

or Xiu Cai Peng Dao Bing, You Li Shuo Bu Qing.
旗鼓相当, 有趣!!
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 03:47
Mad Cow here
deaf plus blind 二泉映月INGYou consider yourself Xiucai (FAN JIN ),me as Private(大兵哥or 胡屠户)?NO, you are Hua guniang.你是肉包我是严贡生,你是严监生我是油灯里第二根捻子,你要灭了我?
Most importantedly ,why are still playing knowing all that ?
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 03:57
Sorry,it is for MIR,头昏掉了发给您了,您是鲜樱桃,ALL RIGHTY
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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