
作者:wd6364  于 2010-1-18 05:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 wd6364 2010-1-26 05:03
你十三大爷: Seriously you should consider to write for real.  You are good.  Just try to tell your stories.  How is family and kid nowadays?  I hope everything i
Man,I am writtting for real ,at least for now.My story doesnot sell,and have to polish.When I look back,all of sudden see nothing worth mentioning except the 酒吧生涯like you did sometimes.Family is running and kid growing.Donot worry about the sadness,it will be there for a long while,which will inspire me .You do have a lot of guts to message me in public,and I ain't afraid to reply.10 points for you and me.
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-1-26 10:03
wd6364: Man,I am writtting for real ,at least for now.My story doesnot sell,and have to polish.When I look back,all of sudden see nothing worth mentioning ex
Most morons in this village don't even have a clue what we are talking about.  Come on, I haven't mentioned dick or pussy, have I?  I have been giving some gentlemen-ly opinion and you were replying courteously as well.  One point that I want to make about your writing: sometimes you appear so moody in your story telling that I was lost.   But overall it is good, at least from the several stories that you put on your website.  Now go back to hug your hubby and son, as a mom should do.
1 回复 wd6364 2010-1-26 14:02
你十三大爷: Most morons in this village don't even have a clue what we are talking about.  Come on, I haven't mentioned dick or pussy, have I?  I have been givin
My lord.because of this ,I cannot share with our innocent beloved friends.Please watch your tongue or take it elsewhere.I can never be offended ,but what about others ?oh,my eyes...
1 回复 十三大爷 2010-1-26 15:25
wd6364: My lord.because of this ,I cannot share with our innocent beloved friends.Please watch your tongue or take it elsewhere.I can never be offended ,but
sorry, my bad
1 回复 wd6364 2010-1-27 02:15
你十三大爷: sorry, my bad
No worries.Bring it on----why I care what others may say or not say,I lost my 牌坊long ago.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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