
作者:人权是非  于 2012-1-28 10:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词: 孔和尚骂港人










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2 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 03:36

No idea what you're talking about. I love it there because of the life style, the opportunities, the excitement, the reasonably good public services, etc. There may be a small group of HK people who have this superiority complex with regard to the mainlanders, but they don't represent most of people there..... that's why you only saw EIGHT people singing insulting songs to the the mainland tourists..... of course that's eight too many.
2 回复 城市达人 2012-1-29 03:39
2 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 03:40

You should not take side just because of your perceived relative level of wealth. One should always take local rules seriously, and one should always be reasonable and friendly toward outsiders.
1 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 03:47
世道变了: 我不站在香港人一边,我没有"同是天崖沦落人"感.我的幸福不是建立在与人攀比上的.香港人挨骂活该.
Why do HKers deserve it? Are you sure people that really hate mainlanders? Do you know what ordinary people that have to deal with? Have you been there? Do you know anyone from there? Do you know its history?
2 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 03:54
四月愤青: 口水仗越打越没边儿了!
原本个别游客、个别港人在狭小地铁上的个别遭遇,居然被推演为大陆、香港的社会、人文群体冲突,而且双方众多人口诛笔伐、奋勇参战;现又 ...
finally some words of wisdom!!! It is a minor incident that probably takes place in any major city in China everyday, yet instead of advocating mutual respect, some people like to make it an us versus them issue and start a fight.
1 回复 世道变了 2012-1-29 03:58
鍋爐爺爺: Why do HKers deserve it? Are you sure people that really hate mainlanders? Do you know what ordinary people that have to deal with? Have you been ther ...



1 回复 Chi202 2012-1-29 04:02
因为一个小孩子吃面条, 拉就火车紧急制动, 这种人给他个孔三妈是轻的, 应该再加上个孔三爸都不多!   
1 回复 世道变了 2012-1-29 04:05
Chi202: 因为一个小孩子吃面条, 拉就火车紧急制动, 这种人给他个孔三妈是轻的, 应该再加上个孔三爸都不多!   
2 回复 世道变了 2012-1-29 04:08
鍋爐爺爺: Why do HKers deserve it? Are you sure people that really hate mainlanders? Do you know what ordinary people that have to deal with? Have you been ther ...
2 回复 没有帐号 2012-1-29 04:11
2 回复 没有帐号 2012-1-29 04:12
good.very good.
1 回复 Chi202 2012-1-29 04:23
世道变了: 对啊,挨骂不是自找吗,还搞抗议,抗议再骂.
我不明白在火车上其他人认同这样的动作, 这样做也影响他们了吗. 本来可以对小孩父母批评, 教育, 或罚款. 此事件反映本地人的问题比游客的问题严重得多.
1 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 04:38
世道变了: 你的这些提问应该问回你自己.

有苦衷可以谈,可以商量,可以要求.但如果因为有苦衷就折腾人,挨骂就活该,不但没人同情你,还会因为你那个成为弱点的苦衷而被人当做打 ...
I also think the man went too far, but that's not the point of discussion.

You said that before and here you said it again

The people involved are individuals, but you are treating the incident as HKers vs mainlanders...... kind of like those from shanghai vs those from Beijing, or other places. This is very divisive and silly and should be condemned.
1 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 04:43
世道变了: 本来香港人大陆人不都是中国人吗,只是地域不同而已,用不着这样你你我我太清楚.一张嘴还有牙齿咬到舌头的时候,嗑嗑碰碰当然免不了.非得趁机清算,那就清算呗.真当自 ...

It is exactly this reason that yours (and Kong's) words are divisive.
2 回复 鍋爐爺爺 2012-1-29 04:55
Chi202: 我不明白在火车上其他人认同这样的动作, 这样做也影响他们了吗. 本来可以对小孩父母批评, 教育, 或罚款. 此事件反映本地人的问题比游客的问题严重得多.
The man could have handled it better (and he did express hi s regret later) but it is the rule of the locals and outsiders should respect that.

The locals may have felt stressed with various issues over the years. The latest ones: 1) the D&G store would not allow locals to take pictures (but mainlanders can); 2) pregnant women from mainland overwhelming the local hospital system.
1 回复 人权是非 2012-1-29 06:52
世道变了: 我不站在香港人一边,我没有"同是天崖沦落人"感.我的幸福不是建立在与人攀比上的.香港人挨骂活该.
1 回复 人权是非 2012-1-29 06:55
四月愤青: 口水仗越打越没边儿了!
原本个别游客、个别港人在狭小地铁上的个别遭遇,居然被推演为大陆、香港的社会、人文群体冲突,而且双方众多人口诛笔伐、奋勇参战;现又 ...
1 回复 人权是非 2012-1-29 06:58
城市达人: 一针见血!犀利!
2 回复 人权是非 2012-1-29 07:05
鍋爐爺爺: "幸福感是建立在别人痛苦的基础上的"

No idea what you're talking about. I love it there because of the life style, the opportunities, the ...
1 回复 人权是非 2012-1-29 07:08
Chi202: 因为一个小孩子吃面条, 拉就火车紧急制动, 这种人给他个孔三妈是轻的, 应该再加上个孔三爸都不多!   
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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