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zgwmkongjian 2019-2-22 12:28
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kylelong 2010-12-22 11:37
清风摇翠 2010-11-4 02:03
北欧女神 2010-9-28 04:00
北欧女神夫君 2010-9-26 16:31
北欧女神 2010-9-14 22:35
北欧女神 2010-9-11 02:14
蓝枫 2010-9-3 11:27
串个门 问声好
捌拾捌 2010-8-13 18:01
ruinsean: 你发错人了吧!
My Web site : http://sites.google.com/site/stellarswank/
捌拾捌 2010-8-12 17:52
naturelover 2010-8-8 10:53
ruinsean: too bad, if you became Linguist, you could work with me in HI. Maybe we could Karaoke or fooling aound something, LOL.  We have a small group and eve
Yeah. That could have been fun! Oh well, you never know....
北欧女神 2010-8-8 03:24
naturelover 2010-8-7 10:23
ruinsean: congrad! I have to work this weekend but I'll have Mon - Thur off! take care and have a nice weekend!
You know, if I were still in the Army, maybe I would have been doing the similar job as you. I was in for the liguist.
naturelover 2010-8-6 23:01
ruinsean: I'm doing good, back to hawaii and work keeps me bz!
That's wonderful! I am busy as well, just finished my finals on Real Estate at the community college. Feeling very motivated! Have yourself a great weekend!
naturelover 2010-8-6 02:50
Hello, Sean! How are you?
JoanneJyy 2010-7-13 15:12
naturelover 2010-7-13 13:29
ruinsean: hey, you have to show some respect first, I'm still your senior NCO. LOL, Call me if you want!
I am so sorry, my senior NCO. Of course, I will show respect. I apologize really. We will definitely talk later. Good night!
naturelover 2010-7-13 08:03
ruinsean: as always, sometimes you love your job and sometimes you hate it. It's life, always up and down but overall, I love my job and it's good experience i
Good for you. And I am proud of you. All the best from a soldier to another!
naturelover 2010-7-11 08:51
ruinsean: what are you going to do this weekend? I'm going to San Diego to play tennis or fix car!
I will have to prepare for my midterm exam, and spend time with my son. Do you like your job? Is it interesting? I was in for the linguist MOS also you know. So I am very interested.
naturelover 2010-7-10 10:11
Hello, Sean, how are you?
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