老美看美国:How Revolutions Start---US Baiout of AIG

作者:丹奇  于 2009-3-18 00:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 09:14
丹奇: According to Roger, it's their American's understanding. HEHE
把Roger叫出来, 俺跟他辩一辩..
1 回复 丹奇 2009-3-18 09:15
marnifan: 把Roger叫出来, 俺跟他辩一辩..
1 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 09:15
來美六十年: We should blame both sides. The bonus clause has been in the basic
contracts of AIG. The agency released the stimulus funds should review the contra
1 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 09:17
丹奇: 好啊,你用英语给他写一篇。我转给他看。期待ing.
1 回复 绛紫湮 2009-3-18 09:18
丹奇: 谢谢紫烟,沙发够大。
1 回复 绛紫湮 2009-3-18 09:19
丹奇: 很重要呢。
之所以盲顶 是因为我不认识英文
2 回复 十三大爷 2009-3-18 09:54
American society operates by the rule of law.  Previously made contracts with the executives, culprits or losers they may be, have to be honored.  Now the congress is trying to draft laws to implement the emergency taxes that AIG has to pay because of taking money out of the federal bailouts for the executive bonuses.   An outrage this may seem, but the bigger question is that what we are going to do with AIG: are we going to keep it float with more bailouts?  Decisions should have been made last year to let AIG go bankruptcy and the government should assist the buyer(s) by taking care of the bad assets instead of giving AIG more and more bailouts or simply take over the company, i.e. nationalization.  The management team of AIG should have been fired long time ago!!!
2 回复 來美六十年 2009-3-18 11:24
marnifan: 中啊
1 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 11:25
來美六十年: 請原諒!!因原文是英文,故用英文回答。下次用中文
don't worry about it.
2 回复 丹奇 2009-3-18 11:26
你十三大爷: American society operates by the rule of law.  Previously made contracts with the executives, culprits or losers they may be, have to be honored.  No
can not agree more with you.
1 回复 丹奇 2009-3-18 11:27
來美六十年: 請原諒!!因原文是英文,故用英文回答。下次用中文
don't worry about it. Everybody here knows English even they said no.
2 回复 hr8888hr 2009-3-18 11:48
homepeace: 把人民的钱装在自己的口袋里贪腐。在中国,贪腐是非法的,见不得人的,人人深恶痛决,贪腐犯可以判死刑。在美国,贪腐可以是和法的,可以堂而皇之的,美国人民也
深有同感! 我搞了几十年的行政工作,出于职业习惯,到美后特别留意其公共事务的行政管理, 发觉其权力寻租毫不逊色于中国, 中国有很多方面都在改进, 可在美国却是明目张胆,甚至腐败合法化. 医疗和财产保险就是很典型.  警察的自由裁量权更是大得惊人, 人们不满却投诉无门. 我兄弟在美多年,我问他如何解决? 他说可找所在区议员COMPLAIN. 再请教某些懂得巴结政要的生意人, 他们却说COMPLAIN毫无作用.  看看我们的MAYOR和议员们狼狈为奸修改法例延长任期, 美国真的需要如楼主姐姐说的来一次反腐风暴
2 回复 來美六十年 2009-3-18 12:06
你十三大爷: American society operates by the rule of law.  Previously made contracts with the executives, culprits or losers they may be, have to be honored.  No
2 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 22:25
來美六十年: 同意
这次咱不用砸他了, 可俺还有一问题, 看俺问他
2 回复 marnifan 2009-3-18 22:34
你十三大爷: 1. American society operates by the rule of law.  Previously made contracts with the executives, culprits or losers they may be, have to be honored.  No
The management team of AIG should have been fired long time ago!!! - Bonuse should be based on performance, with AIG's current state, how on earth can they receive bonuses ? 2. How can you be so sure nationalization is the solution?
2 回复 十三大爷 2009-3-19 06:21
marnifan: The management team of AIG should have been fired long time ago!!! - Bonuse should be based on performance, with AIG's current state, how on earth ca
I heard some of Ed Liddy's congress testimony.  I felt he is doing a good job and AIG is making progress.
2 回复 金歌儿 2009-3-19 13:11

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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