
作者:丹奇  于 2010-12-21 19:51 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 fressack 2010-12-22 03:48
丹奇: 后面咱更惨
1 回复 珍曼 2010-12-22 05:00
   我那也是..才六岁, 一听去拿lesson就不去!!
1 回复 nierdaye 2010-12-22 06:23
丹奇: mimi 兄可以介绍你是如何培养你的女儿成为舞蹈演员的。
yes, I want to know as well
1 回复 meistersinger 2010-12-22 08:29
丹奇: 你是说咱女儿?呵呵,不知道呢。
1 回复 meistersinger 2010-12-22 08:30
snortbsd: well, someday she would be in her teen and boys would be flocking around your house. then you big headache will start...
Well, I have a few years before I need to worry about it.
1 回复 深潜 2010-12-22 10:32
I think you are making trouble for yourself.
If you calm down and think about the whole thing, you may realize that she can do it only when she love it. If we as parent push too hard, the kids will give up for all sort of excuses. In their mind, we try to put our preference over their life, which make them sick of it.
As parents from China, we have been through that kind rules-less competitive childhood. We did suffer, but also enjoyed that kind junior life. Our children are grown up in western societies.  These Banana kids are brought up by relaxed, and happy environment and enjoy the so called "easy life". We also spent more time on work than with them. Of course we can have excuse of "we are first generation of migrant..." But can we say we are doing our best for our children? Some parent put their own unreached dreams on their children, in hope of their children achievement to fulfill their own satisfaction. Have we realized that whatever the children do, is their life, not ours.
A lot of times, parents say: my babe got natural talent, this or that part of body are so much meet the best dancer/athlete figure... Do we know how much does it take to be the best of one professional? other than the natural talent and genetic body composition, what about the mental strength and quality? If you think you can easily lost the purpose of your dance class when your daughter stop dancing, how about you daughter think about your are not there for her when she facing difficulty in the class?

I think if we want to our kids to achieve their best potential, parents need to change the way to do the proper parenting. We need provide them two things: Unconditional love, and conditional support. That is parents need put all their love on their children. regardless their winning or loss, succeed or failure, the kids need know their parents are always there for them. Parents must show their commitment and involvement of the sport/activities their children are in. But parents must also show the right support for the right reason: we support our kids to set their goal and help them to achieve it. We do not support them if they do not willing to commit to achieve their goal. in other word, we do not support the self spoiled kids to change their minds unreasonably, WE also do not support them demanding bribe, for doing things they choose to do.

That's my opinion. hope you agree.
1 回复 丹奇 2010-12-22 10:37
深潜: I think you are making trouble for yourself.
If you calm down and think about the whole thing, you may realize that she can do it only when she love i ...
Thank you so much for the advise. That's the most profound suggestion I received. You are right. My girl are very sensitive and she needs proper guidance. That's my homework to accomplish! She loves dancing, but does not like to be behind the class and not want to be arranged. She dances at home freely.
1 回复 越湖 2010-12-22 14:37
丹奇: 可惜咱们周围没有人学跳舞,咱们这嘎达没有啥中国同胞。
1 回复 redbud 2010-12-22 14:39
1 回复 丹奇 2010-12-22 18:49
越湖: 非要找中国人学跳舞?
1 回复 丹奇 2010-12-22 18:50
redbud: 很显然她不喜欢跳舞,这样的过程很可能导致她终身厌倦舞蹈。她的兴趣可能在其它方面,试着找找看。
1 回复 redbud 2010-12-22 20:30
深潜: I think you are making trouble for yourself.
If you calm down and think about the whole thing, you may realize that she can do it only when she love i ...
Well said!
You understand education so well. I agree with you for unconditional love and conditional support! That's the most important thing for a child to grow up. Perhaps, unconditional love is more important!
1 回复 越湖 2010-12-22 22:23
丹奇: 非要学中国民族舞蹈,熏陶她中国文化的一种方式,美国除了芭蕾,没别的舞蹈元素。中国民族舞蹈元素丰富,值得推广
1 回复 rongrongrong 2010-12-24 20:40
1 回复 芳草 2011-1-27 03:30

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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