
作者:Lawler  于 2010-1-17 06:49 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:09
ww_719: 对呀...笑..我们不同意见开始"斗争",哈哈哈..
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:10
遥祝: 有点遗憾哈
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:13
meirimeiye: 在百度幸灾乐祸地强调自己在中国的市场份额的时候,不知道它有没有想到,google在朝鲜的市场占有率是零。我们好像只知道嘲笑朝鲜了。
支持民族企业是对的,但不意味着 。。。
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-1-17 11:13
actually i had no problems to access facebook in china, no problems for youtube either (i did access both in shnaghai and beijing). not sure about twitter...
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:23
snortbsd: actually i had no problems to access facebook in china, no problems for youtube either (i did access both in shnaghai and beijing). not sure about tw
3 回复 方方头 2010-1-17 11:26
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-1-17 11:30
Lawler: 相信你的话!
did, blocked... it is stupid... but there are too many asses (those are hired guns) from flg screwing around on 新语丝,倍可亲...

but blocking is wrong way to deal with the issues...

i like google in general, just a bit pissed off the arrogant attitude...
2 回复 pro-China 2010-1-17 11:36
Honestly all those web sites are some sorts of either social networking or self-entertaining. If you're real scientist or solid researchers, you really don't need those craps. They just drag you away from your real job. In passing years, China does not own Google, facebook, twitter or Bing whatsoever, but her GDP has increased continuously and the life quality of her people has been improved since ever. On the other hand USA has all those funky stuffs and you don't need me to tell you what has happened in that country in recent years, do you? BTW---please keep in mind : IT is just a toy.
2 回复 方方头 2010-1-17 11:39
xoyuanfen: 也顶顶顶! 不敢归, 不想归。
2 回复 xoyuanfen 2010-1-17 11:41
方方头: 那我就顶顶你好了。
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:42
snortbsd: did, blocked... it is stupid... but there are too many asses (those are hired guns) from flg screwing around on 新语丝,倍可亲...

but blocking is wr
me too, sort of. hehe
2 回复 ww_719 2010-1-17 11:42
Lawler: 人民内部的。。。
2 回复 方方头 2010-1-17 11:42
xoyuanfen: XOXO.
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:50
pro-China: Honestly all those web sites are some sorts of either social networking or self-entertaining. If you're real scientist or solid researchers, you real
IT is just a toy, that has pissed off so many "people"!

Me too is a pro-China, but only talk about good, good China is not good enough for me. If those stuffs are loved and used by people all over the world, why only you, try to block them? what are you scared of anyway?
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 11:59
light12: google退出中国是企业行为。企业要不要被政治控制的挣钱是他的选择。


ME 2!
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 12:00
Doug2: 老共的愚民政策。一党独裁的接果。可怜我13亿同胞,被5%的党员劫持。
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 12:01
方方头: 冷静的头脑,清醒的意识,独立的思考,长远的担忧。中国需要这样的思想者。
2 回复 方方头 2010-1-17 12:03
Lawler: 您说我,那就过奖了。。。呵呵
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-1-17 12:06
pro-China: Honestly all those web sites are some sorts of either social networking or self-entertaining. If you're real scientist or solid researchers, you real
but those funky stuff do generate tremendous revenues...

in reality is that, no matter what system china adopts, the west would not like to see a china that it can't control it. via media/information warfare to subvert or drag china around is the reality china can't avoid. china has to find better ways to deal with this instead of simply blocking those information...

but from another perspective, keeping things murky is a part of the chinese culture. for instance, business dealings in china are secretive in almost  every level. it didn't start with prc, it is the way it is and been there for hundreds years, if not thousands years...
2 回复 Lawler 2010-1-17 12:06
方方头: 你是那作者吗?还是作者妈
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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