Pilgrimage to Hollywood

作者:南郭吹竽  于 2009-2-11 10:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 老糊涂 2009-2-12 08:13
南郭吹竽: 那个惹人疼惹人爱的白老大爷呢?哦,想起来了,跟着小猫换头像。
2 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-12 08:14
redbud: 哦,姐姐自从信了耶稣,就不看电影了,突然没了兴趣。 姐姐自从弄了mortgage,吃饭都要想想,省一块钱可以省掉多少利息。 姐姐想在家了搞个projector,不
projector 目前没有达到 full HD清晰度,而且更换一个灯泡要好几百磅。灯泡随着时间老化,看不看都老化,所以除了公司,私人一般不买projector,除非大款,看一年换个灯泡几百磅不在乎。此外,projector 耗电比LCD高很多,多缴不少电费。
如果达到了 full HD清晰度,南郭会考虑买,因为影像屏幕巨大,是电视无法比拟的。
1 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-12 08:23
xqw63: 两害相比取其轻
2 回复 marnifan 2009-2-12 08:55
南郭吹竽: 旅行一次,胜过千部电影。 首先,你没在真正的HDTV上看过千部以上的电影,风光片和 documentery。 其次,你或许没真正旅行过。 最贴切的说法,是旅行和
what about 恋爱一次?
1 回复 marnifan 2009-2-12 09:12
南郭吹竽: HDTV 要买 Sony, Samsung 最好,还要有 blu-ray player (南郭用 PS3 游戏机),再看2008年的大片,喔赛! 等姐姐有了这些设备,再看 BBC Planet Earth blu-r
what about mitsubishi? we have an mitsubishi 73 inch. 1080p and we have blue-ray player from our sony notebook(aw-18). My LG wants to tell you that it's 3-D ready. (i don;t understand why we need 3D!! and it seems he cannot figure out how to set it up yet.)
2 回复 marnifan 2009-2-12 13:03
弱弱di问一下南郭, 为什麼要 "pilgrimage" to hollywood能?
2 回复 婉儿 2009-2-12 15:25
南郭吹竽: 哪天写个剧本,给冯小刚去当贺岁片,顺便推荐婉儿姐姐去当女主角。凭婉儿姐姐在村里的人气儿,不当大腕才浪费青春呢。
干嘛给冯小刚? 找两个合伙人筹点资开个电影公司,你当导演不会比冯小刚逊色的!到时你要是看得起婉儿姐姐,就雇我做点事,女主角就免了,干后勤还行,能让你们吃好饭睡好觉我就很高兴,连工资都可以免了!
2 回复 婉儿 2009-2-12 15:36
南郭吹竽: I bought the entire blu-ray series, watch it on my 46 inch SONY 1080p full HDTV.
俺买不起,俺明天去Best Buy体验一下锅儿每天享受的是啥感觉?
1 回复 redbud 2009-2-12 21:20
南郭吹竽: 原来英国这么宰人啊! projector 目前没有达到 full HD清晰度,而且更换一个灯泡要好几百磅。灯泡随着时间老化,看不看都老化,所以除了公司,私人一般不买
1 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-12 23:20
redbud: 考虑买HDTV,等姐姐的工作安稳了,姐姐的下个目标是单反相机。
2 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-12 23:59
marnifan: 弱弱di问一下南郭, 为什麼要 "pilgrimage" to hollywood能?
2 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 00:05
marnifan: what about mitsubishi? we have an mitsubishi 73 inch. 1080p and we have blue-ray player from our sony notebook(aw-18). My LG wants to tell you that
you have DLP TV, you can never get full HD resolution. It's kind of like a porjector in a box. The screen is big but since it's projected, the picture is not 'pure'. That's why the price for a 73 inch DLP is lower than a 50 inch Sony.
DLP is murdering full HD movie experience, just like a projector. You lose both color, resolution plus view angle (when you go to one side of the TV, you cannot see a clear picture)
3D is a new motion detection technology, it shows a relatively clearer picture when the camera is moving and shooting, no setup needed.
But a big TV means a big house, congrats.
1 回复 marnifan 2009-2-13 11:22
南郭吹竽: you have DLP TV, you can never get full HD resolution. It's kind of like a porjector in a box. The screen is big but since it's projected, the pict
还好啦, 俺们在乡下(Iowa), 房子很便宜dee. 可是没有好吃de中国餐厅.
2 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 11:38
marnifan: 还好啦, 俺们在乡下(Iowa), 房子很便宜dee. 可是没有好吃de中国餐厅.
周末开车去 twin cities, Mall of America,应该还是有些道地的中餐。其实有些福州人的外卖店也做得还可以。
1 回复 marnifan 2009-2-13 11:50
4.5 hours, 饶了我吧. when i was working two years ago i had to drive to chicago and kansas city every other week. it's really tiring, 老了. i used to go to toronto also every month for the same job, every retaurant was great there...there is one near comtronic, in richmond(?), taiwanese style, pretty good. don;t remember the name though. have you been to mall of america? I've never been there. it's pretty amazing for a shopaholic like me.
1 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-13 11:56
marnifan: 4.5 hours, 饶了我吧. when i was working two years ago i had to drive to chicago and kansas city every other week. it's really tiring, 老了. i used
You really should try, the mall is amazing. 4.5 hrs is nothing if you drive alternatively with your LG, especially if you had never been there. You could visit Minneapolis - Saint Paul on the same trip too.

If I were you, I can make it back in the same day. I drove from Toronto to Quebec City and back in the same day, only had a taste of the decent French food there.
1 回复 marnifan 2009-2-13 12:02
whenever you want to come to iowa, or just driving by, you are welcome to stay here with us. hehe. it's an interesting place, iowa city. very small town with a cosmopolitian feel though. except for chinese restaurants. there are decent japanese, korean, italian, french...i can make the same day trip too, don;t think LG would want to come with me though, shopping is suffering for him.
2 回复 redbud 2009-2-14 01:17
南郭吹竽: 什么叫单反相机啊?

单反相机的全称是“单镜头反光相机”(英文全称Single Lens Reflex Camera,简称SLR)。



2 回复 南郭吹竽 2009-2-14 01:41
redbud: 老实说,姐姐都不太弄明白单反相机具体的工作原理,只是知道镜头好,拍出来的照片好,姐姐比较了之后,发现单反相机拍摄的照片就能达到我想要的效果,所以一直
多谢姐姐指教!以后买相机一定要 SLR 的。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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