Looking for civilized translation into Chinese, after reading 泼妇是怎样炼成的

作者:Mir  于 2009-6-12 23:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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回复 Mir 2009-6-13 13:15
xoyuanfen: 哈哈, 对女孩子要求挺高!I like this girl, too.
It is Zero's picture. I took the picture, with his later permission,  the day I signed on in Backchina. Long histroy. Lot of bloody battles. The feeling of between being away and stay is my struggle everyday, just like this girl.

Did you read my blog "I have nothing to say"? My most popular piece of work is "After dinner and I love you".
回复 Mir 2009-6-13 13:27
Hope you are not laughing at my pingying.

Difference between Lu and Ru is critical and it is as different as one in construction field and other one in medical field.
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-14 08:23
Mir: Hope you are not laughing at my pingying.

Difference between Lu and Ru is critical and it is as different as one in construction field and other on
no. I laught because of your humor.
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-14 08:34
Mir: It is Zero's picture. I took the picture, with his later permission,  the day I signed on in Backchina. Long histroy. Lot of bloody battles. The feel
I read both and couldn't understant.
回复 Mir 2009-6-15 13:22
xoyuanfen: no. I laught because of your humor.
I just try to get even. She is a fighter, and loud as well.
回复 Mir 2009-6-15 13:28
xoyuanfen: I read both and couldn't understant.
That is ok. Probably noboday really can. We are all  in different shoes. Sometimes, I even do not know what I am talking about.  But you at least share the feeling of that departing girl's picture.
回复 agou101 2009-6-15 15:37
Mir: Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 02:50
agou101: 百思不得其解您是真傻还是装傻(千万别生气哎)寻思您不懂中文吧怎么连鲁迅家的老底都能翻个底朝天说是您懂中文吧可死活不愿意蹦出一个中国字来且这拼音拼
Haha. I read the Pingying version of Lu Xun.
Watch for your punctuations.
I like poodle. It is a show dog.
回复 wd6364 2009-6-16 07:03
agou101: 百思不得其解您是真傻还是装傻(千万别生气哎)寻思您不懂中文吧怎么连鲁迅家的老底都能翻个底朝天说是您懂中文吧可死活不愿意蹦出一个中国字来且这拼音拼
回复 agou101 2009-6-16 09:26
回复 marnifan 2009-6-16 09:32
agou101: 百思不得其解您是真傻还是装傻(千万别生气哎)寻思您不懂中文吧怎么连鲁迅家的老底都能翻个底朝天说是您懂中文吧可死活不愿意蹦出一个中国字来且这拼音拼
回复 agou101 2009-6-16 09:44
wd6364: 不许打听他的来历,没准知道了咱们死都没地死
回复 agou101 2009-6-16 09:45
marnifan: 小弟你意识流大家
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-16 10:15
Mir: That is ok. Probably noboday really can. We are all  in different shoes. Sometimes, I even do not know what I am talking about.  But you at least sha
A lot of time. you need use your heart to read and understant. Modern time, people lost their heart. I lost my heart somewhere.
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-16 10:16
Mir: I just try to get even. She is a fighter, and loud as well.
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 12:44
agou101: 这小妹妹越发让人读不懂了从来未听说鲁迅生过一个叫「Pingying(萍婴?)」的孩子也许俺是少见多怪总不会是私生子吧真不好意思写回帖的时候我的标
A few mistakes, some are mine and some are yours.

Pin Yin, I think, was what I meant. My education failed to tell me what difference the "g" at the end of "in" is, so I always randomly add or miss "g". 50-50 chance to be right.

I am a man, and pretty old man. So "小妹妹" contains 2 mistakes.

Let me know when you have a little poodle, and I will get you an email.

About my Chinese problem, most people know, I assume, that I can not use Chinese input. My computer belongs to FBI, and I have no choice.
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 13:16
xoyuanfen: A lot of time. you need use your heart to read and understant. Modern time, people lost their heart. I lost my heart somewhere.
I hope your hubby has picked up your lost heart, but who knows?
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 13:20
xoyuanfen: Agree!
I am, for sure, lost the fight. I have no match.

Xiu cai ben dao bing, yuo li shuo bu xing, and that was what I told her.
回复 marnifan 2009-6-16 13:50
Mir: A few mistakes, some are mine and some are yours.

Pin Yin, I think, was what I meant. My education failed to tell me what difference the "g&qu
chui niu
回复 Mir 2009-6-16 13:53
marnifan: chui niu
bu chui niu.
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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