
作者:qwxqwsean  于 2011-10-13 05:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 00:40
smartman: sorry, i have to disagree with you.  i still have to say, i guess, you did not meet the best White law and medical school brains.  if you go to the to ...


你不必钻牛角尖拼命要寻找你心目中的天照大神去崇拜。  实际上,你自以为见到的那些美国的所谓千里挑一以上的人才,也许他们并不是,而是你认错了。
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 00:45
smartman: i said, i don't trust gary locke pretends to behave that way.  he is inherently a person of that type.

in early 1980s, Zhai Ziyang ...


1 回复 smartman 2011-10-17 02:49
qwxqwsean: 千分之一以下的东西,没啥统计学上的意义。

如果你生活在一个1000人口的美国村子里,你证实了村里第一的那个“大牛”,其实也是个草包,你就可以给美国下一个最 ...
you are truly "a frog in the deep well", not being to see the real sky.  smart Whites in top best US schools are not on statistical meanings but in real world.  i strongly recommend you apply to top 5 best schools and go there and meet with them.
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-17 02:56
qwxqwsean: 对比两个国家,不要去扯制度,美国的制度并不好。

首先可以对比两个国家的人口,中国有14亿平均智商105的人口,美国有3亿平均智商100的人口,美国在人口上占劣 ...
why is China lag behind in the past 300 years?  it is the system, the systematic problem in China.  do not forget china's best brains are not fully utilized in China and they could be well utilized in the US.

if you think more highly of China than US, why don't you go back to China and enjoy the next 20-30 years in China to enjoy your better time there?


that is a ridiculous arugment.  labor-intensive works makes no difference for 100-IQ or 105-IQ people.  Leadership, scholarship counts.  Why couldn't China cultivate Nobel Laurates?  Where could China find Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?

美国在人口上占劣势。  did you notice US has immigrated so many talents from around the world?  China, on the other hand, is curbing population via birth control!
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 03:22
smartman: you are truly "a frog in the deep well", not being to see the real sky.  smart Whites in top best US schools are not on statistical mean ...

学生很难说有多出色,像我其实在学生时代都够牛的了,出来根本找不到工作,现在是个流浪汉。 在学生们没有实际业绩的情况下说有多牛,也没实际意义。

大家都是以成败论英雄嘛。 我要是指着路边一个睡大街的无家可归者说那个流浪汉比你有才华多了,估计你也不削一顾,也懒得问他有哪方面的才华比你强,你可能觉得只要你挣的钱比他多就行了,势利眼嘛。
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 04:06
smartman: why is China lag behind in the past 300 years?  it is the system, the systematic problem in China.  do not forget china's best brains are not fully ut ...
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-17 07:17
qwxqwsean: 教过我的几个老师都是号称全美同行业里名列前茅的,不过如此。

学生很难说有多出色,像我其实在学生时代都够牛的了,出来根本找不到工作,现在是个流浪汉。 在学 ...
how do you judge their proficiency?  are you, as an undergraduate, in a position to judge their expert knowledge?  no way!  you may judge their teaching skills but not that expert knowledge.

i can hardly agree they are among the best until you can prove.  are they fellows of american academy of sciences or engineering?  or what other evidences?

as I said, the best judgement is students as you intend to comapre students, not professors.  however, even if you judge by professors, you are again not showing sound judgements.

that is a society structural problem.  it needs fundamental reform and innovation for the entire country to thrive.  i can understand your pains or agony.  but do not paint the entire country in black due to your personal mishaps.  this country is still a great country and it will turn over in not a very long period.  let us wait and see.

the point is, can he do my job?  i seldom find anyone including most of my colleagues can do my job as good as i am doing.  as for work or job, i don't need to compare my 才华 with others, though, if i do, i am pretty sure I am superior.  the point is the competency and proficiency to perform and outperform the job requirements.

as a college professor, i frequently told me students, many of my colleagues got laid off during this crisis, but a few really superb experts with great technical skills could easily find several job offers in a few weeks.  if you have solid technical skills and outperform your jobs and collegaues hence are able to answer challenging intevriew questions, you will find a job easily even in today's bleak job market.  now 5 people for 1 position.  many chinese are technical experts.  for them, job search takes no more than 3 months.  i have quite a few friends who have landed a job in 3 months.

compare to your peers.  if your technical skills are outstanding among your peer, you will find a job easily.

when i said you, i did not point fingers to you.  i simply mean any average job seeker or professional in any subject.
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-17 07:18
qwxqwsean: 来美国的人显然是冲着钱来的,就像妓女,哪里卖肉的价格高,就到哪里去。到美国这个妓院来,收入会比较高
money is part of the reason.  fair opportunity is the key.  otherwise, why don't you go back to china?
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 20:31
smartman: 教过我的几个老师都是号称全美同行业里名列前茅的,不过如此。
how do you judge their proficiency?  are you, as an undergraduate, in a position to judge t ...
你看看我另一个帖子我怎么评价我在中科院做论文时我的导师。 我在美国的老师,学术上貌似不比我在中国的大学老师强。



1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 20:40
smartman: money is part of the reason.  fair opportunity is the key.  otherwise, why don't you go back to china?
来美国挣钱的人,大多心态很低下,如果不是为了钱,谁会轻易放弃自己的尊严, 轻易卑躬屈膝, 言不由衷,向主子低眉顺眼,生怕自己说错一句话被炒。

美国的公司比中国的公司独裁多了,在美国打工能体会到民主真是见鬼了。 而所谓的通过选举体现的国家政治民主,和老百姓没啥直接关系, 关于美国民主的讨论,水平比我高一万倍的人多了去了,论坛里的相关帖子读都读不完。

看看美国的华人,包括留学生,有几个有自己做为中国人的尊严? 为小利企图融入主流当二鬼子。 把美国的华人比作卖身卖艺的性工作者真的不恰当,因为大部分妓女卖身不卖心,她们的独立精神是很强的。

你问妓女why don't you go back to china? 这是废话。
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-17 20:53
smartman: 教过我的几个老师都是号称全美同行业里名列前茅的,不过如此。
how do you judge their proficiency?  are you, as an undergraduate, in a position to judge t ...

很多流浪汉在很多方面比你能力强,或者懂得你不懂的东西。 所谓人家的能力比你强,是指你和人家在等同条件下做相同的事情时,你会做得不如他们好。



我在雪城认识的几个流浪汉,一个是在路边吹喇叭卖艺的,一个会做飞旋标而且做得很漂亮,一个是开过公司当过老板后来卷入官司破产的,两个会开小型飞机, 一个能自己创作歌曲,还有几个是空军陆军退伍的,就凭我这么简单的描述,你自己估计自己有没有可能在所有方面都比那些流浪汉强。

1 回复 smartman 2011-10-18 01:14
qwxqwsean: 你看看我另一个帖子我怎么评价我在中科院做论文时我的导师。 我在美国的老师,学术上貌似不比我在中国的大学老师强。

学术上的东西,最容易对比了。你看学术可能 ...
look, US has over 4000 universities including 1000+ research univs.  so, it is no doubt many professors are so so.  i have never questioned that.  what i intended to stress is, at the best top 5 schools, you will find many outstanding professors and researchers and White students.

how can 一个不懂围棋的人 judge whether a person 是个围棋高手?

do i need to emphasize again?  does this situation happen to Harvard medical school professors or Stanford/MIT Computer Science professors?
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-18 01:25
qwxqwsean: 来美国挣钱的人,大多心态很低下,如果不是为了钱,谁会轻易放弃自己的尊严, 轻易卑躬屈膝, 言不由衷,向主子低眉顺眼,生怕自己说错一句话被炒。

美国的公司 ...
来美国挣钱的人,大多心态很低下,如果不是为了钱,谁会轻易放弃自己的尊严, 轻易卑躬屈膝, 言不由衷,向主子低眉顺眼,生怕自己说错一句话被炒。

what is the situation in China, when you make a comparison?  just a simple example.  you call your boss first name in US.  in China, you must call him Director XXX.

看看美国的华人,包括留学生,有几个有自己做为中国人的尊严? 为小利企图融入主流当二鬼子。
what could they do if they go back to China?  they still have to merge into the mainstream, find a job, get it done well, and try to be promoted.

we look for a place and job that we can utilize our talents and knowlegde, regardless you are in US or China.

this country, I meant, US, has a much better record to respect our 尊严.  when you go back to China, if a foreigner from a poor country or a poor person from countryside works in a city, e.g., Shanghai, can they get the same 尊严as we do here?

There was once a CCTV reporter interviewed me and below are my answers:
Q: Does US has racial discrmination?
A: Of course.
Q: Why don't you go back to China?
A: Do you think China has no discrimination?  NO WAY!  China's discrimination is 100 times severe than US.  Look at how Shanghaiese discriminates non-Shanghaiese.  Look at how City people discriminate countryside people...
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 01:27
smartman: look, US has over 4000 universities including 1000+ research univs.  so, it is no doubt many professors are so so.  i have never questioned that.  wha ...

博导很多都在自己所在的领域在世界范围名列前茅。 因为做得专了,全世界也没几个人懂他们的那个小专业。 这也是我原贴的本意。 即使你的导师和你都很牛,但你们研究的东西,全世界也没几个人懂。 实际情况是,博士生做的研究,连他们自己的导师都一知半解。 这就成了屠龙术。
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 01:30
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 01:37
smartman: 来美国挣钱的人,大多心态很低下,如果不是为了钱,谁会轻易放弃自己的尊严, 轻易卑躬屈膝, 言不由衷,向主子低眉顺眼,生怕自己说错一句话被炒。

what is th ...
关于美国的公司企业里的“民主”,以及地方联邦政治上的选票“民主”,有无数的资料考证过了。 都是差的。

你是被美国的钞票迷惑了眼睛,你自己去称赞美国的民主吧, 我估计给你发薪水的鬼子老板都不相信公司里或县州联邦政府有多少民主。
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-18 01:38
qwxqwsean: 从你看不起流浪汉,就知道你的学术精神很差。

很多流浪汉在很多方面比你能力强,或者懂得你不懂的东西。 所谓人家的能力比你强,是指你和人家在等同条件下做相 ...

how do you measure 能力?  what is the 能力 you meant?  you said, 所谓人家的能力比你强,是指你和人家在等同条件下做相同的事情时,你会做得不如他们好。

Let us look.  I am confident in my expertises and competent in my knowledge.  Can these 流浪汉 do my job if they were in my place?  No way!  That is all I meant.

that is a flawed judgement.  Carl Marx did not want to waste time to do an average job for a living.  He believes his misson of high achievments.  Fortunately, Engles recognized his talents and supported Marx's family financially.  That is why Marx did not work to earn bread.  (That is far, far away from a 流浪汉.)  Rather, he studied in BG library and wrote his famous works.
1 回复 qwxqwsean 2011-10-18 01:41
smartman: ..."你可以说你的收入比流浪汉高,你的职称比流浪汉高,但不要那么肯定的说你的能力比流浪汉强"...

how do you measure 能力?  what is the 能力 ...


你所说的你做的事流浪汉做不了。这基本是废话,因为很多流浪汉会做的事,你也做不好。 而且我说过了,搞研究专到一定程度,全世界只有你一个人会,你发表论文,即使你故意伪造其中50%的数据, 也没人知道,因为那东西只有你知道。在这样情况下,没办法和别人对比。

其实我自己也是个流浪汉, 但我是因为找不到工作。
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-18 01:47
qwxqwsean: 关于美国的公司企业里的“民主”,以及地方联邦政治上的选票“民主”,有无数的资料考证过了。 都是差的。

你是被美国的钞票迷惑了眼睛,你自己去称赞美国的民主 ...
US democractic system is not perfect and has flaws, of course. (I said it in my first posting that this democratic system has flaws).  But it is still far better than almost, if not all, all other systems in the world.

What is your wrong judgement (我估计).  You can not represent others.

Look at how badly mistaken you are when you judge a company's operation.  A company is owned by shareholders who elects a Board of Directors who picks up management.  Management is responsible for performance.  If the performance deteriorates severely, management must step down.  that is company's domocracy.  Company is not managed by majority votes' democracy!  Company is dominated by majority shares!!!
1 回复 smartman 2011-10-18 01:51
qwxqwsean: 网上论坛里中国留学生评论自己的导师的贴子多如牛毛,99.9%的帖子都是以不同方式骂自己的导师白痴。显然,那些导师们很多是领域里的大牛。

博导很多都在自己所 ...
after this posting, I am going to stop, because it is a sheer waste of my time.

again, let me tell you again, when i disagreed with you, i meant, at a few best top schools, you will find many smartest Whites professors and students.

Again, please give me bad examples of Harvard medical school professors or Stanford/MIT Computer Sciences professors?  eh?  Can you give me examples?

博导很多都在自己所在的领域在世界范围名列前茅。 因为做得专了,全世界也没几个人懂他们的那个小专业。 这也是我原贴的本意。 即使你的导师和你都很牛,但你们研究的东西,全世界也没几个人懂。 实际情况是,博士生做的研究,连他们自己的导师都一知半解。 这就成了屠龙术。

that is typical laymen's wildest accusations!  If you don't understand, do not downgrade others' IQ.  the entire academic community has expertises to judge.  They would produce results to warrant and their results have to go through vigorous peer reviews and panel judgements.  Besides, it is these scholars whose researches laid foundation and led to Airspace Shuttles, Nuclear Bombs, so on and so forth.  These are solid results that make thius country advanced and great!  No one, I repeat, no one, can deny that!
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