
作者:小妇人  于 2009-4-19 07:40 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 homepeace 2009-4-20 04:38
小妇人: 难怪当我说我恨microsoft时,管电脑的人说: join the club,看来大家早就知道这个阴谋了。
是的,microsoft 用这种手段搞垮了lotus123,wordperfect,novell.......
1 回复 练精化气AAA 2009-4-20 04:39
翰山: 哟,那我可不敢苟同你的意见啦。我的经验告诉我,计算机是越来越可靠(其实是没有什么不可靠的,尤其硬件)。

1 回复 翰山 2009-4-20 04:46
练精化气AAA: 我买了一个最便宜的灯泡,用了三年也没坏呀
1 回复 练精化气AAA 2009-4-20 04:47
翰山: 我有一台IBM的desktop,倒是出了几次毛病。最后大概在用了小十年的时候,死机(大概至少两处硬件问题),被淘汰。
1 回复 翰山 2009-4-20 04:51
练精化气AAA: 先下了,以后在谈论.

1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 06:26
练精化气AAA: 你们那里的那个专家好衰的
did i ever claim to be "专家" of anything?
with that buzz word, you must be "master"...:)
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 06:32
小妇人: 俺们这里管电脑的也这么说,让我用所有非微软的东西,让我join the club。俺人穷志短,所以。。。
well, it is one of my hobbies. but where i work would not allow to have anything unauthorized on the pc (not mine). it is the property of where i work.

at home i use open source for everything...

open office has quite a few forums on the net, you should join them and people love to help you. you should do the same once you get to know open office better...
1 回复 小妇人 2009-4-20 06:36
snortbsd: did i ever claim to be "专家" of anything?with that buzz word, you must be "master"...:)
熄火熄火,triple A说我们单位的专家呢,不是您。你们都是专家,相对于我的,呵呵。
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 06:36
翰山: 嘿嘿,我挺喜欢你的这个:zombie

yeah, hackers would never use their own machines attacking their targets directly. they always control zombies to evade detections, cover their traces.
1 回复 小妇人 2009-4-20 06:37
snortbsd: well, it is one of my hobbies. but where i work would not allow to have anything unauthorized on the pc (not mine). it is the property of where i wor
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 06:44
翰山: 我有一台IBM的desktop,倒是出了几次毛病。最后大概在用了小十年的时候,死机(大概至少两处硬件问题),被淘汰。
i have 10 IBM, p3-800, 256MB with 20G drives. they are running perfectly fine...
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 06:48
小妇人: 嗯,不去那个论坛了,请教您就行了,您常来坐坐,听听音乐喝喝茶吧。
well, no one knows everything. you can always get some enlightenment for different people.

the more you learn, the less you know...

it is not for being humble, it is just so damn true...
1 回复 翰山 2009-4-20 06:51
snortbsd: i have 10 IBM, p3-800, 256MB with 20G drives. they are running perfectly fine...
1 回复 小妇人 2009-4-20 06:53
snortbsd: well, no one knows everything. you can always get some enlightenment for different people.

the more you learn, the less you know...

it is not for b
The more you study, the more you learn.
The more you learn, the more you know.
The more you know, the more you forget.
The more you forget, the less you know.

what the hell!!
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 07:00
小妇人: The more you study, the more you learn.
The more you learn, the more you know.
The more you know, the more you forget.
The more you forget, the le
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 07:03
翰山: 我那个也run了十年呢。但是在保修期就出毛病。其实,电脑基本上是够皮实。
yeah, but i did a bit upgrade, collected some 20g hard drives from ebay since the original 10GB drives would not hold what i need. the only complain i have is the noise. those fans getting bad...
1 回复 翰山 2009-4-20 07:08
snortbsd: yeah, but i did a bit upgrade, collected some 20g hard drives from ebay since the original 10GB drives would not hold what i need. the only complain
是的,我也基本上每台电脑都有两个hard disk。好像那IBM坏,就是先从风扇坏起。重要的是如不及时补救,就把其它的弄坏了。我的电脑24小时开,我以为是延长寿命的一个原因。可以这样认为吗?
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-4-20 08:19
翰山: 是的,我也基本上每台电脑都有两个hard disk。好像那IBM坏,就是先从风扇坏起。重要的是如不及时补救,就把其它的弄坏了。我的电脑24小时开,我以为是延长寿命的
the only things i can think of are those parts with mechanical structure; hard drives and fans.

i got those IBMs with very low price. for what i wan to do, they are good enough. but i run freebsd (an unix alike system) on them.

fans are standard; you can find right ones on ebay and change them easily. the most of old hard drives on pc are ide drives and now new hard drives have sata interface. so you can't really swap them easily even you buy a new pc.

web server doesn't use that much cpu power, but it requires memory since every tcp session taking a certain a mount of memory. so it depends on the hits of your web server. you just need to make sure to have enough memory for those tcp sessions. but things would be different if your machine also host a database and that web server links to the database, the cpu will become a critical issue.

running 24x7 isn't an issue, especially for servers; they are supposed to be running for 24x7. you can easily find a commercial grade server for less $200 on ebay. i just bought a dual cpu server for $100. the only problem is the noise of fans. but i leave it in the basement. so far for almost three months, i have no problem with it except the noise. servers ae always nosier since they have more fans...
1 回复 翰山 2009-4-20 08:41
snortbsd: the only things i can think of are those parts with mechanical structure; hard drives and fans.

i got those IBMs with very low price. for what i wan
有意思的是, 我从来不在ebay上买东西。我比较懒,从来都是在东西坏了找客户服务,没有客户服务的,我不干。我的server,是有一套data base在里面,甚至有好几个data base,比如说,多于一个instance SQL server,还有Oracle, 但是好在,我那server的用户只有一个人,我自己。我不是做硬件的,我讨厌做硬件,尽管我把装拆计算机的全部工作都做过。对于软件,我也讨厌没完没了地更新。所以,当我需要一个新的系统时,我绝不升级我的旧系统,因为没有人pay我做这事儿。我通常是买一个新机器,也不贵,然后旧机器run旧系统,新机器run新系统。
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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