
作者:jimx98  于 2010-4-13 01:59 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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1 回复 四川石穿 2010-4-13 11:29
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 11:37
老石: 我想,好主意应该贴到强国论坛上去。
那就请石兄代劳了, 多谢!
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 11:41
match99: 没有利益驱动,谁来做这件事呢?
如果你能搞出配方来, 你应该能赚很多很多的钱, big money!  :)
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 11:48
xqw63: 作为专业机构,检查地沟油应该不是问题,但对百姓而言,不会那么简单了
You are right. Only the method I detailed above can resolve the problem relatively easily. A new cheap chemical element added to the dirty oil that works like a signature. Ordinary consumer can use cheap method to detect that element easily. Just like someone look at a stamp on a piece of paper. The stamp marks the oil dirty.
1 回复 xqw63 2010-4-13 11:52
jimx98: You are right. Only the method I detailed above can resolve the problem relatively easy. A new cheap chemical element added to the dirty oil that wor
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 11:55
xqw63: 这个检测,估计需要对高温后油质的变化,找出某种特定的化学成分才行
I don't think you understand what I meant correctly. The detection method is independent to any chemical element in the dirty oil. Just add some new element that can be easily detected.
1 回复 xqw63 2010-4-13 11:57
jimx98: I don't think you understand what I meant correctly. The detection method is independent to any chemical element in the dirty oil. Just add some new
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 12:04
That is the problem all the current methods are facing. Look at the 4th requirement of the new chemical element. That's already considered. The current harmful elements contained in the dirty oil are difficult to detect. But there are many chemical elements in the world that can be easily detected even at very low concentration.
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-13 17:06
只有民众的配合才能有效地解决这一问题. 这种方法还有一个好处, 教育和训练民众通过合作去解决公共难题.

据一位台湾的朋友告诉我, 以前在台湾有不良商人把食客用过的一次性便当盒子重复使用. 于是那时的台湾人在外面吃便当, 完事后都用筷子把一次性便当盒戳破.

这种监测方法要求民众要有公共监督的意识. 通过媒体等的宣传, 对全体人民是一次生动的民主教育实践. 人民通过这类的实践会慢慢提高觉悟. 会越来越自觉地参与解决社会问题的实践中.

这种事情做多了, 人们或许会尝试自我管理, 试试是否没有共产党地球就真的会停止运转 :) 这是玩笑话. 我知道有人为此要跳大绳的. 哈哈.
1 回复 德州龙 2010-4-14 00:46
1 回复 在美一方 2010-4-14 00:50
jimx98: 符合文中列出要求的化学成分(成配对的, 添加剂和检测剂)应该有很多. 任何一种都可以搞定这一头痛的问题. 这种方法本质上和地沟油本身没有多少关系. 这如同在所有
1 回复 在美一方 2010-4-14 01:02
二,这个标记物其安全性的研究又不知道要花费多少精力和时间。君不见一个转基因都到现在还不易被接受,何况你加入生物组织里完全没有的一种化学标记物?回头消费者一行使organic option的选择权,你这个就完全失效了。
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-14 01:20
The new element doesn't have to be resolved in the oil quickly. From the restaurants to the processing places there will be hours even days.

Why the dirty oil should be reused for consumer products? It should be burned, for example, to generate electricity.
1 回复 Junkkiller 2010-4-14 01:30
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-14 01:48
Junkkiller: 加大处罚力度什么都有了
Can you really trust the law enforcement in China? More  fine and punishment only mean those government officials will make more money.

The problem in China is, the more power the government has, the worse for the people.

I believe only the consumer themselves can resolve the problem.

您太天真, 而且算是白来了趟美国. 更重的处罚只能意味着执法者有更多的权力 机会和动机去谋利.  这种做法无异于向执法的官员输送利益. 这个原则适用于美国, 更加适用于中国.

只要有可能由消费者自身采取行动是最好的选择. 很不幸的是在中国, 这是唯一有效的选择.
1 回复 Junkkiller 2010-4-14 02:06
jimx98: Can you really trust the law enforcement in China? More  fine and punishment only mean those government officials will make more money.

The problem
1 回复 美国鲁汉 2010-4-14 06:27
jimx98: Can you really trust the law enforcement in China? More  fine and punishment only mean those government officials will make more money.

The problem
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-14 07:28
毛的事情要一分为二. 不能把坏事都算在毛身上, 好事都算在共产党身上. 应该是好事坏事都有份. 好的部分毛的功劳不小, 坏的部分是共产党搞出的体制问题, 是监管不力. 毛的主要贡献从长远的历史看是对中国文化、特别是奴性的一锅端. 毛曾经说过, 中国文化发展要走世界文明发展的主流. 中国文化的主要部分是落后的东西. 因此毛的功大于过.
1 回复 ww_719 2010-4-14 11:18
jimx98: 毛的事情要一分为二. 不能把坏事都算在毛身上, 好事都算在共产党身上. 应该是好事坏事都有份. 好的部分毛的功劳不小, 坏的部分是共产党搞出的体制问题, 是监管不
1 回复 jimx98 2010-4-14 12:10
毛时代对中国社会最大的贡献之一就是解放妇女. 是千秋万代的功绩.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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